AZTEC UFO 2009 March 27-28, 2009

AZTEC UFO 2009 March 27-28, 2009
Aztec, New Mexico

Preparing for Contact - They're Here!

The UFO Symposium is a yearly UFO conference held in Aztec, New Mexico where there was reported to be a UFO crash in March 1948 just 9 months after the Roswell, New Mexico incident.
The yearly Aztec ufo conference objective is to bring researchers in to discuss UFOs - Dulce, New Mexico, Exopolitics, alien contactees - sightings - alien abductions and encounters - government cover-ups - New Mexico UFOs -pictures and videos of ufos - crop circles - cattle mutilations - underground bases - and more.

This year we will focus on various topics that allude to the idea that Aliens are already here.

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