
The Paranormal Directory
Angels, Air Spirits, Fairies, Sprites


Angels in space nothing but top secret hallucinations

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Angels in space nothing but top secret hallucinations June 14, 2011 Margarita Troitsyna Pravda UFOs, angels and other supernatural phenomena, which people may encounter in their lives, can onl READ MORE

Nature Spirits ~ Devas ~ Elementals ~ Trees

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To 'talk telepathcally with nature spirits is to understand that they were created to help restore the balance of nature as humanity is bi-polar and in a constant state of destruction. The destr READ MORE

Most people believe in angels: poll

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Most people believe in angels: poll 17 Jan 2010 by John Gibb Otago Daily Times Poor levels of scientific literacy in Western countries, including New Zealand, are "highly disturbing", Australi READ MORE

People who are angels on earth: The Angelic Archetype

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People who are angels on earth: The Angelic Archetype June 16, 2009 Ryan Omega Examiner.com Angels are very revered in our culture as they represent a supernatural existence that is considered READ MORE
Angels, Air Spirits, Fairies, Sprites
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