1790 Inn and Restaurant: Savannah
1790 Inn and Restaurant: Savannah
307 East President Street
Savannah Georgia
(912) 236 - 7122
he year of 1790 was an important time for the city of Savannah in Georgia's early state history. The first election of aldermen, the first city council, and even the first mayor were elected to this free state during 1790, the result of a democratic process rather than royal appointees. 17Hundred90 is housed in two adjoining structures that were built throughout that year. It has served over a century as Savannah's only inn with a full service restaurant and lounge, and has fourteen beautifully restored rooms, each with its own fireplace and period furniture. The brick walls and slate floors are original, and very little has changed in the layout of the inn throughout the years, which perhaps has allowed some of our guests the opportunity to stay with us for a lifetime and beyond...
Rumor has it that a friendly, early 19th century ghost named Anna Powers haunts the inn. According to folklore, Anna fell in love with a married seaman in the early 1800s. She is said to have thrown herself to her own death from the third floor balcony onto the brick courtyard below, just as the sails of his ship left her sight and headed down the Savannah river to the sea. Some have suggested that the young Miss Powers was helped ad finestra by the seaman's jealous bride. Since then, her ghost has purportedly been seen wandering the halls throughout the inn and restaurant, particularly in room 204. Many of our guests and employees have reported strange occurences day and night which can only be attributed to the actions of the broken hearted Miss Powers, as she awaits her lover's return from the sea.
Searching for Anna Powers
Dare to disturb room 204?
Do you dare to disturb the restless sleep of a lonely soul wandering eternally throughout 17Hundred90, searching for unrequieted love? Are these echoes of a violent past, or a plea for a safe and secure future? Is this a forlorn spectre beseeching our assistance to cross over, or is our ghost looking for revenge? Join us for a repast downstairs in our restaurant and lounge or a night's stay at the inn of 17Hundred90, and perhaps you too will have an otherworldly encounter, along with those who voted us among MSN's Favorite Haunted Hotels. During your next visit to Savannah, please feel free to join us at 17Hundred90; Miss Powers is just dying to meet you.
