1969: The Race to Put a Man on the Moon and Lay UFOs ‘To Rest’ (w/video)
1969: The Race to Put a Man on the Moon and Lay UFOs ‘To Rest’
April 8, 2011
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1969: The Race to Put a Man on the Moon and Lay UFOs ‘To Rest’
April 8, 2011
1950 UFO FBI memo related to 'hundreds of UFO's' sighted over Farmington, New Mexico for three consecutive days?
We discovered some rather curious timing in those heady 1969 NASA space race to the moon days. By 1969 Chariots of the Gods was a bestselling book which seemed to provide evidence of ‘ancient astronauts’ setting foot on earth thousands of years before man invented a one-stage rocket. In early January of 1969, when LBJ was pinning medals on the three NASA astronauts who had circled the moon, the mainstream news media picked up the UFO report, The Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects a report by Dr. Edward U. Condon, Director of the University of Colorado Project. A report commissioned by the Air Force for $500,000. The report was published by Bantam Books in association with the New York Times. The cost of the book, $1.95. A Book which set the stage for the Air Force to disengage from UFO ‘investigations’ terminating Project Blue Book in 1970.
China UFO, FOX News report
In the report, the need to ‘lay to rest’ the subject of ‘UFOs’, ‘suggested a need for psychiatrists to study the believers’, and, ‘strongly took to task authors and others who kept alive the notion flying saucers were spaceships from another world’.
Was one of the ‘authors’, Eric Von Daniken, Daniken’s book, Chariots of the Gods?
Over at the History Channel, the amazing series, ‘Ancient Aliens‘ where one can see Von Daniken, 75, and Daniken’s ancient aliens evidence.
On January 9, 1969, when Daniken’s book was flying off the bookshelves, the mainstream media news reported:
‘Scientists Lay UFOs to Rest’ in Utah’s Desert News and ‘Don’t Study UFOs, Study the Believers‘ published by the Miami News. On the next page a ‘weird’ news report of 125 mph winds in Boulder, Colorado. Also reported (in the Desert News) on January 9, 1969, the headlines, ‘LBJ, Congress Honor Nation’s Moon Heroes’. The ‘heroes’, Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell and and William Anders who were given medals of honor from LBJ with five days of ‘tributes’. Borman, Lovell and Anders had returned from the first NASA mission around the moon.
‘Excerpt’ from Desert News, ‘Scientists Lay UFOs to Rest’:
Miami News excerpt, ‘Don’t Study the UFOs, Study the Believers’:
One participant in Project Blue Book, Professor J. Allen Hynek who later became the ‘godfather’ of Ufologists. In 1966, Hynek wrote an article for the Saturday Evening Post, ARE FLYING SAUCERS REAL? By J. Allen Hynek.
In the article Hynek attempted to defend himself from allegations from the public he was an ‘Air Force stooge’. Hynek detailed several still unexplained UFO reports and revealed the ‘efforts’ by the Air Force to fully investigate UFO reports. According to Hynek, the Air Force’s primary role was to debunk UFO sightings with credible witnesses with incredulous theories including the 1966, Michigan UFOs ‘Swamp Gas’ theory.
There were numerous sightings during the Michigan wave of 1966. The case itself is very memorable for another important event that occurred. Project Blue Book sent Dr. J. Allen Hynek to investigate the sighting reports. At first, Hynek agreed that there was something going on in the Michigan skies. But after consulting with the Blue Book headquarters, he changed his mind, and said that the sightings were nothing more than “swamp gas.â€
Swamp gas that was confirmed by radar flying at ‘incredible speeds’.
‘Normally referred to as the “Michigan Swamp Gas Case of 1966,†this wave of sightings would be much more than just sighting reports. It would be a landmark case in the history of Ufology. For a period of 6-7 days, UFOs were observed by witnesses, and confirmed by radar flying at incredible speeds, making unbelievable maneuvers, and at times hovering. This case would show the Air Force’s attitude toward average American citizens, and expose a poor attempt at a cover-up.’
China UFO, July, 2010
Hynek, in his own assessment of Condon’s report stated:
The Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects is a strange sort of scientific paper and does not fulfill the promise of its title. Even the color-cover (over which Condon, however, probably had no control) is misleading. Instead of portraying one of the relatively few photographs that remain unidentified we find an immediately identifiable photo of a lens flare.
The report essentially is a collection of case histories and special reports by members of Dr. Condon’s staff and investigators working under contract with the University of Colorado. Scientifically trained readers will find these papers as troublesome and dull to read as they probably were to write.
While devoted in the large part to exposing hoaxes or revealing many UFOs as misidentifications of common occurrences, the book leaves the same strange, inexplicable residue of unknowns which has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation for 20 years. In fact, the percentage of “unknowns†in the Condon report appears to be even higher than in the Air Force investigation (Project Blue Book) – which led to the Condon investigation in the first place. Every contributor to the report finds in his particular area of examination (photos, radar-visual sightings, physical evidence, etc. ) something that cannot be dismissed as a misidentification of known phenomena.
During manned space flights, United States astronauts have reported a number of UFO sightings. One of the Condon group’s principal investigators, Franklin Roach, an astronomer, writes: “The three unexplained sightings which have been gleaned from a great mass of reports are a challenge to the analyst.â€
Forty-one years after the Air Force announced they would no longer investigate UFO’s leaving the public high and dry when encountering a UFO sighting by multiple witnesses including the thousands who witnesses who saw the 1999 Phoenix Lights, the realization, there is no one in the federal government citizens can turn to for ‘answers’. Zip, zilch, nada. Picking up the UFO slack, the mainstream news media who may or may not file a report on a UFO sighting, a UFO sighting ‘crapshoot’.
A relatively new Youtube video about mainstream media news reports of ‘UFOs’. The video (below): ‘UFO mainstream media coverage MASS SIGHTINGS taking place.’
Here’s how the ‘food chain’ of ‘UFO’ mainstream news reporting works:
The majority of news coverage originates from ordinary people using their cell phones or video cameras to record an unusual object, light or lights, or anomalies in the sky. Very few of the ordinary citizen ‘UFO’ footage makes it to the ‘big time’, a mainstream media report.
Too bad in March of 1950 none of the hundreds of citizens of Farmington, New Mexico, managed to catch on film the ‘hundreds’ of UFO’s above Farmington for three consecutive days . In recently released archived FBI documents an FBI memo dated March 22, 1950, a memo which some UFO enthusiasts linked to the 1947 Roswell incident. We noted the memo’s date, March 22, 1950, the memo written four days after the news report from Farmington of the mass sightings of UFO’s for three consecutive days in the eastern New Mexico desert.
FOX News:
One document, for example, pertains to Guy Hottel, a special agent in charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, who sent a memo concerning flying saucers to the FBI’s director in March 1950.
“An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico,†according to the memo dated March 22, 1950. “They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.
“According to Mr. [redacted] informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanism of the saucers. No further evaluation was attempted by SA [redacted] concerning the above.â€
In the majority of mainstream news media reports it’s extremely rare a bonafide news team catches on film a ‘UFO’. One rare report, the mysterious ‘missile’ filmed by a mainstream media news helicopter crew off the coast of California. Their report later debunked by ‘experts’ as an aircraft ‘chemtrail’ while the Dept. of Defense released a statement the object ‘could have been’ the chemtrail from an aircraft. On November 12, 2010, we posted California Missile Case Closed as Jet Contrail? Not Exactly. Follow the link to see the video, the ‘analysis’ by the experts and the statement released by the Pentagon.
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1969: The Race to Put a Man on the Moon and Lay UFOs ‘To Rest’
April 8, 2011
1950 UFO FBI memo related to 'hundreds of UFO's' sighted over Farmington, New Mexico for three consecutive days?
We discovered some rather curious timing in those heady 1969 NASA space race to the moon days. By 1969 Chariots of the Gods was a bestselling book which seemed to provide evidence of ‘ancient astronauts’ setting foot on earth thousands of years before man invented a one-stage rocket. In early January of 1969, when LBJ was pinning medals on the three NASA astronauts who had circled the moon, the mainstream news media picked up the UFO report, The Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects a report by Dr. Edward U. Condon, Director of the University of Colorado Project. A report commissioned by the Air Force for $500,000. The report was published by Bantam Books in association with the New York Times. The cost of the book, $1.95. A Book which set the stage for the Air Force to disengage from UFO ‘investigations’ terminating Project Blue Book in 1970.
China UFO, FOX News report
In the report, the need to ‘lay to rest’ the subject of ‘UFOs’, ‘suggested a need for psychiatrists to study the believers’, and, ‘strongly took to task authors and others who kept alive the notion flying saucers were spaceships from another world’.
Was one of the ‘authors’, Eric Von Daniken, Daniken’s book, Chariots of the Gods?
Over at the History Channel, the amazing series, ‘Ancient Aliens‘ where one can see Von Daniken, 75, and Daniken’s ancient aliens evidence.
On January 9, 1969, when Daniken’s book was flying off the bookshelves, the mainstream media news reported:
‘Scientists Lay UFOs to Rest’ in Utah’s Desert News and ‘Don’t Study UFOs, Study the Believers‘ published by the Miami News. On the next page a ‘weird’ news report of 125 mph winds in Boulder, Colorado. Also reported (in the Desert News) on January 9, 1969, the headlines, ‘LBJ, Congress Honor Nation’s Moon Heroes’. The ‘heroes’, Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell and and William Anders who were given medals of honor from LBJ with five days of ‘tributes’. Borman, Lovell and Anders had returned from the first NASA mission around the moon.
‘Excerpt’ from Desert News, ‘Scientists Lay UFOs to Rest’:
Miami News excerpt, ‘Don’t Study the UFOs, Study the Believers’:
One participant in Project Blue Book, Professor J. Allen Hynek who later became the ‘godfather’ of Ufologists. In 1966, Hynek wrote an article for the Saturday Evening Post, ARE FLYING SAUCERS REAL? By J. Allen Hynek.
In the article Hynek attempted to defend himself from allegations from the public he was an ‘Air Force stooge’. Hynek detailed several still unexplained UFO reports and revealed the ‘efforts’ by the Air Force to fully investigate UFO reports. According to Hynek, the Air Force’s primary role was to debunk UFO sightings with credible witnesses with incredulous theories including the 1966, Michigan UFOs ‘Swamp Gas’ theory.
There were numerous sightings during the Michigan wave of 1966. The case itself is very memorable for another important event that occurred. Project Blue Book sent Dr. J. Allen Hynek to investigate the sighting reports. At first, Hynek agreed that there was something going on in the Michigan skies. But after consulting with the Blue Book headquarters, he changed his mind, and said that the sightings were nothing more than “swamp gas.â€
Swamp gas that was confirmed by radar flying at ‘incredible speeds’.
‘Normally referred to as the “Michigan Swamp Gas Case of 1966,†this wave of sightings would be much more than just sighting reports. It would be a landmark case in the history of Ufology. For a period of 6-7 days, UFOs were observed by witnesses, and confirmed by radar flying at incredible speeds, making unbelievable maneuvers, and at times hovering. This case would show the Air Force’s attitude toward average American citizens, and expose a poor attempt at a cover-up.’
China UFO, July, 2010
Hynek, in his own assessment of Condon’s report stated:
The Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects is a strange sort of scientific paper and does not fulfill the promise of its title. Even the color-cover (over which Condon, however, probably had no control) is misleading. Instead of portraying one of the relatively few photographs that remain unidentified we find an immediately identifiable photo of a lens flare.
The report essentially is a collection of case histories and special reports by members of Dr. Condon’s staff and investigators working under contract with the University of Colorado. Scientifically trained readers will find these papers as troublesome and dull to read as they probably were to write.
While devoted in the large part to exposing hoaxes or revealing many UFOs as misidentifications of common occurrences, the book leaves the same strange, inexplicable residue of unknowns which has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation for 20 years. In fact, the percentage of “unknowns†in the Condon report appears to be even higher than in the Air Force investigation (Project Blue Book) – which led to the Condon investigation in the first place. Every contributor to the report finds in his particular area of examination (photos, radar-visual sightings, physical evidence, etc. ) something that cannot be dismissed as a misidentification of known phenomena.
During manned space flights, United States astronauts have reported a number of UFO sightings. One of the Condon group’s principal investigators, Franklin Roach, an astronomer, writes: “The three unexplained sightings which have been gleaned from a great mass of reports are a challenge to the analyst.â€
Forty-one years after the Air Force announced they would no longer investigate UFO’s leaving the public high and dry when encountering a UFO sighting by multiple witnesses including the thousands who witnesses who saw the 1999 Phoenix Lights, the realization, there is no one in the federal government citizens can turn to for ‘answers’. Zip, zilch, nada. Picking up the UFO slack, the mainstream news media who may or may not file a report on a UFO sighting, a UFO sighting ‘crapshoot’.
A relatively new Youtube video about mainstream media news reports of ‘UFOs’. The video (below): ‘UFO mainstream media coverage MASS SIGHTINGS taking place.’
Here’s how the ‘food chain’ of ‘UFO’ mainstream news reporting works:
The majority of news coverage originates from ordinary people using their cell phones or video cameras to record an unusual object, light or lights, or anomalies in the sky. Very few of the ordinary citizen ‘UFO’ footage makes it to the ‘big time’, a mainstream media report.
Too bad in March of 1950 none of the hundreds of citizens of Farmington, New Mexico, managed to catch on film the ‘hundreds’ of UFO’s above Farmington for three consecutive days . In recently released archived FBI documents an FBI memo dated March 22, 1950, a memo which some UFO enthusiasts linked to the 1947 Roswell incident. We noted the memo’s date, March 22, 1950, the memo written four days after the news report from Farmington of the mass sightings of UFO’s for three consecutive days in the eastern New Mexico desert.
FOX News:
One document, for example, pertains to Guy Hottel, a special agent in charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, who sent a memo concerning flying saucers to the FBI’s director in March 1950.
“An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico,†according to the memo dated March 22, 1950. “They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.
“According to Mr. [redacted] informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with the controlling mechanism of the saucers. No further evaluation was attempted by SA [redacted] concerning the above.â€
In the majority of mainstream news media reports it’s extremely rare a bonafide news team catches on film a ‘UFO’. One rare report, the mysterious ‘missile’ filmed by a mainstream media news helicopter crew off the coast of California. Their report later debunked by ‘experts’ as an aircraft ‘chemtrail’ while the Dept. of Defense released a statement the object ‘could have been’ the chemtrail from an aircraft. On November 12, 2010, we posted California Missile Case Closed as Jet Contrail? Not Exactly. Follow the link to see the video, the ‘analysis’ by the experts and the statement released by the Pentagon.
‘Giant Glowing Blue Light in the Sky-Russia
The blue light filmed over Russia not as spectacular as the ‘blue spiral’ photos filmed on March 29, 2011. over Christchurch, New Zealand. A third ‘blue anomaly’ appeared in an International Space Station photo.
For more details read Blue Anomalies in the Sky: New Zealand, Russia, NASA ISS Footage, Photos, Videos.
One day later, a brilliant ‘fireball’ object filmed over the skies of Australia, a fireball not reported by the mainstream media.
Not reported by the mainstream news media, the creepy ‘Stick’ aliens caught on a security cam in Fresno, California, November, 2007. After another Youtube video of similar ‘stick aliens’ appeared on Youtube, aliens allegedly caught on security cameras in Yosemite National Park near Fresno, we posted both videos in Creepy Stick Aliens Back in Fresno? – Video.
