A Disturbing Tale: Why we may never see government UFO disclosure
A Disturbing Tale: Why we may never see government UFO disclosure
June 23, 2009
Gary S. Bekkum
American Chronicle
have bad news for the UFO disclosure crowd.
If the alleged extraterrestrial presence is real, the odds are against disclosure.
Among members of the Intelligence Community, the tale of the alien presence is known as the "core story" of contact between the aliens and the government.
The strong rumor is there is a "disturbing" aspect to this "core story," something so dire
it leaves battle-hardened military types shaking in their boots.
An example of a real government program so secret that revealing its very existence endangers the national security involves martial law plans and preparations in the event of first strike use of nuclear weapons.
A 1992 cover story for TIME Magazine called "The Doomsday Blueprints" pieces together early cold war preparations intended to enable the survival of the government following a catastrophic nuclear exchange.
"What they envisioned was an America darkened not only by nuclear war but also by the imposition of martial law, food rationing, censorship and the suspension of many civil liberties," explains the article's author, who adds, "while preparations for rescuing the nation's leaders and cultural treasures remain in place, efforts to shield the civilian population were virtually abandoned decades ago."
In my series KNOWING THE FUTURE: CIA, 9/11, UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Presence, available at the STARpod.org website, I examined the methods and sources of confirmed members of the Intelligence Community as they tracked and investigated UFO-related technology and "persons of interest."
According to one of the intelligence officials who pursue the UFO topic (and many are at the highest levels of the government) the "core story" may fall outside of the President of the United States' "need to know."
Perhaps that explains the failure of previous efforts to seek out help from the Clinton White House for UFO disclosure, like the mid-1990s Rockefeller disclosure initiative.
Although it remains difficult to determine where official business ends and personal interests take over, there is solid evidence of high ranking intelligence involvement with the UFO and alien contact topic.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the Apollo astronaut who was the sixth man to walk on the moon, remains an outspoken supporter of the "core story" explanation for government secrecy.
Mitchell spoke of his contact with a ranking Admiral with the Joint Chiefs who agreed to investigate the "core story" of alien contact and report back. Some reporters were miffed when Mitchell refused to disclose the name of the Admiral, but Mitchell did provide to me confirmation that another report was "essentially correct."
Mitchell requested my help in clarifying why his testimony appeared to be contradicted by the Admiral, who had been identified by the Herald Tribune as Rear Admiral Thomas R. Wilson.
Quoting an article taken from the prestigious Janes Defence Weekly, Mitchell implied that the Admiral had discovered that the "core story" was protected by a "Special Access Program."
As explained by Janes, such a "black program" must remain unacknowledged when it is "considered so sensitive that the fact of its existence is a 'core-secret,'" defined as "any item, progress, strategy or element of information, the compromise of which would result in unrecoverable failure."
Astronaut Mitchell then added, "The UFO program that the admiral sought would be in this category. Thus by law he would be required to deny the existence of such a program. For a core secret SAP, even a 'no comment' would be a breach of security."
Consider, as an example, that in 1948 President Truman signed the "United States Policy on Atomic Warfare" which stated "the decision as to the employment of atomic weapons in the event of war is to be made by the Chief Executive."
This effectively allowed for a possible, although unlikely U.S. first-use first-strike with nuclear weapons.
A few years later, when President Eisenhower's "Doomsday Blueprints" were put into place, knowledge of their existence threatened more than "unrecoverable failure" of the government's survival plans.
The existence of doomsday plans and the initialed martial law order was a "core secret."
Knowledge of the existence of doomsday plans risked misinterpretation or manipulation by Soviet intelligence who might interpret them as evidence of an impending first strike by the United States, resulting in possible undesirable actions by the Soviets.
Evidence of the existence of UFOs and an alien presence, or worse, of manipulation by an alien intelligence in the affairs of the human race, would constitute a "core secret" at the deepest levels of the government.
An even more disturbing possibility would be the existence of government doomsday survival plans in the event of massive extraterrestrial manipulation of the world's population.
Would the government draw up plans for massive retaliation against the population, knowing that an "alien virus," an otherworldly manipulation had altered members of the human race in such a way as to effectively threaten the powers that be?
The ground-truth reasons for the cover-up of the "core story," a truly disturbing tale, is one mystery that almost certainly will never be made known.
