A UFO Contactee's Secret Journals
A UFO Contactee's Secret Journals
March 7, 2009
by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
UFO Digest
We come in peace. This saying from old television shows and movies has been used repeatedly. I truly believe in extra terrestrials and UFOS and this is an introduction to only part of my whole story. I have a long story to tell that will take quite some time, so, as I write a book literally, I will sometimes post an article.
I dedicate this small article of truth to all UFOlogists and also, to Dirk Vander Ploeg of UFO Digest. If it were not for his E-magazine, I would not have been known by the public as I now am. I was fearful of going public. Now, I feel it is only right.
I feel it is finally time to share more details of what I know with others. This is an age of revealing and so many people still think that speaking of UFOS is funny and weird. This will be their downfall in the future if they are not awakened to truth.
The Disclosure Project is a worthy cause and I applaud Dr. Steven Greer and all the prior military and government civilian contractors who have shared their own truth. The group has shared their information with the press and videos can be seen on You Tube. In addition, there is Project Camelot and other worthy videos on You Tube.
In my early young adult life, I shared a few secrets with J. Allen Hynek of CUFOS before his passing. I shared with him only a small bit of being taken as a small child. I never divulged my complete life but I was only 28 through 33 when I conversed with him. Since my life has been one monitored I know that there are others like me.
My life has been filled with extraordinary experiences. So many that it would be better to simply write a book and divide the experiences into chapters chronologically. Many of my friends in the UFO and paranormal communities now support me in this project.
I have been taken repeatedly and remember the missing time. The last time was on November 13-14 of 2008. I have been able to think and write much better since my last experience. I know this sounds weird but I think they did something to my physical and mental bodies to allow me to absorb more and to communicate better. I know that this sounds totally whacked but the way I am not is so different.
There are so many times I cannot explain all the details but I will share those I can.
One person William Barry Gaunt of MUFON has been my greatest supporter. Barry has encouraged me to write down my whole life in an autobiography. If my story ever gets out to the public, then it should be Dirk and Barry that get the credit for encouraging me. I cannot explain how hard it is to share information that you know is going to create much controversy over who you are and how you think. There has been an overwhelming response to my articles on UFO Digest, American Chronicle, my websites, and others that have carried my UFO and paranormal articles. I appreciate all the support and I know that there are many people who believe me and just as many who do not. This is part of the enigma and mystery.
I also have doubted my whereabouts to myself. One time when I know I was taken I was alone and found myself outside watching a play ground with a merry goes round spinning very fast when I came too. I do not drink or do drugs and am against that type of lifestyle. I was sober and rested. I had awakened from a night of sleep. That night sticks out in my mind just now so I thought I would mention it. This was outside of my town house one night when I lived in Sugarland, Texas.
Many readers want to know the locations of the sightings or contactee experiences. Since I never had a bad memory of being an Abductee, I have always considered myself as a contactee because of the memories I do remember.
Maybe this is part of my reasoning and research now is to learn to separate those memories or lack of that have to do with being "TAKEN". These memories are far more interesting to me than those I cannot remember. However, I have been waking up over the years through time spent on earth. People want to share and compare notes with me on the Internet and I need a place for people to reach me and leave their stories. I have many websites but people desire to have a one on one email conversation with me so they do not really work. I get so many emails right now I cannot get to them all. I have several email addresses for that reason. Therefore, I hope that writing a book will assist all of those people who want to confer and connect.
have never cared to talk on telephones and I really do not know why. I believe it has something to do with wanting to see the person with whom I am speaking. However, my mother wanted me to have email to converse with her on AOL and this is how I became one to email back and forth for family. Now I have space on Facebook. I have always kept websites by my name and logo in business.
There are ways to find me, as one woman who is a nurse was so excited when I emailed her back after she found me on Facebook. She sent me the story that she was 'googling' the word UFOS and came up with a story of mine somewhere and she could not remember on what website. Then she began tracking me down. She was so happy I had a Facebook. So those of you out there in UFO and paranormal communities, please be sure and make you a Facebook and My Space although we have websites.
My first encounters were when I was a child in Monroe and West Monroe, Louisiana. Others were in Houston, TX, Rochester, NY, Chicago, IL, Honolulu, HI, Phoenix, AZ, El Paso, TX, many in New Mexico and Washington State. I had so many sightings that I cannot recall them all. It was a normal way of life for my spouse, our four daughters and me.
After a good life as an Investigator, I became a Truck Driver in the USA which allowed me have many sightings with my husband Tom. We teamed on and off for over 7 years. We were prior military and traveled in and out of the country.
I began my "Coming Out" of my human shallow shell in 2007 at the young human age of 56. I was born the day after Christmas at noon in 1951 in Monroe, La, and USA.
Up to that time, I was simply considered a normal human being with no outward statement of what I had experienced on earth or off. I was living on earth with many UFO contactee secrets. Many I still keep inside my own mind and share only with one other who is also a UFO contactee, my husband, Tom. One would think that we would have both had the same experiences with aliens but we did not. We were separate in most of our first introductions. We compared our lives while we were in the courting portion of our relationship. I am not sure that this should have happened because it caused us to break up more than once. It was just too much information to share that was not considered normal in our military programmed brains.
Dirk has carried the story of my encounter in White Sands, New Mexico at about the age of 8 years old. I believe he carried a story about seeing celestial beings when I was only seven. I believe these stories are important. I have come to believe that celestial beings and terrestrial beings are at different levels of existence.
However, until I explain why I believe this; one will have to use their own ideas as to why I separate the two intelligent being life forms. For now, we have terrestrial, extra-terrestrial and celestial although there are plenty of other types.
The beings that are off-worlders that are intelligent beings like you and me on earth are very much bi-peddle humanoid types like those of us on earth. I am considered an alien hybrid like my husband. That means that we have been enhanced somewhat.
I will need to explain that term and why I know that I am different. There are many alien-hybrids although I have not been told of any. I have some people who have written me that feel they too want to leave earth and return home just as I do.
Tom and I were enhanced at birth. Out parents did not know nor did the hospitals. We were visited by extra-terrestrial agents who did something to us that cannot be detected in our blood or own our physical bodies. This is something that we were taught and told by extra-terrestrials. Sounds like something out of a science fiction movie I know. Since, it cannot be detected it cannot be proved. This is part of the story of being different and only being able to share my story when the time was right. Stay tuned to the many stories that I plan to share with more of the details over the next four years. This learning process will lead up to the date of December 21, 2012. We can hope that the world leaders will work together to open the door of the future called 2013. Without this coming together to work together for the good of all so that all on earth of our species may have health and prosperity, we may be doomed on earth. Some of us may leave earth and some may stay. I cannot provide information at this time on who will be left on earth and who will be asked to go with the extra-terrestrials. The story is somewhat similar to the myths and legends of our past. The Bible Code may hold a key to our future for all.
