A 'flying' table, doors opening on their own and a ghostly face seen inside former jail
A 'flying' table, doors opening on their own and a ghostly face seen inside former jail
November 8, 2010
This is Lincolnshire
TABLES tipping, ghostly moaning and a mysterious face were all said to be witnessed by a group of ghost-hunters staking out Lincoln Castle.
A team from the Leicestershire-based firm Absolutely Haunted carried out their first paranormal investigation of the Victorian prison at Lincoln Castle on Saturday night.
Attracting ghost-hunters from across the region, the group of 30 took part in a number of traditional rituals including table tipping, ouija boards and calling out to spirits.
The investigation was led by company founder and medium Chris Seal who claims to have been communicating with spirits for the past 20 years.
And Mr Seal said he was not disappointed by the action he witnessed at Lincoln Castle, particularly in the early hours of Sunday morning.
He said: "We had the table flying around and there were lots of noises.
"It got to the early hours and it seemed to go quiet except in the first cellar downstairs where it was kicking off. There were moans and groans and heavy breathing."
The events of Saturday night saw a volunteer placed in a coffin at the foot of the pulpit in the prison's chapel.
Medium Rachel Salmon explained: "It helps recreate a scene and for the spirits to get an emotional attachment. It means they are more likely to empathise with us."
Site co-ordinator for Lincoln Castle Kimberley Walshaw said they started opening up the castle up to companies operating ghostly investigations earlier this year and three or four had been held to date.
She said: "I haven't experienced anything yet so can't say I'm a true believer. But it is nice to work in the castle after hours as it is an entirely different atmosphere."
However, volunteer archivist at Lincoln Castle, who was furnishing the guests with the history of the Victorian prison, said he was no longer sceptical following his experience at a ghost event held in the castle jail earlier this year.
Mr Collins, of Cherry Willingham, said: "It was quarter to three in the morning and the table was rocking about all over the place and the door next to me started opening and closing on its own.
"I was watching it do that two or three times and something made me look up.
"There was a face looking through the pane of glass at me.
"I went as white as a sheet and was shaking for about ten minutes afterwards."
