A look at six commonly used methods to get rid of ghosts
A look at six commonly used methods to get rid of ghosts
July 27, 2011
By Elsa Cook
Paranormal Old Pueblo
Ok, you’ve determined that you do indeed have a ghost or haunting. What do you do now? (Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!) Paranormal researchers believe that the majority of ghosts do not realize that they are dead or that their activities are frightening or bothersome to the living.
Another theory is that ghosts remain to protect the living, like dead relatives or even a beloved pet. In this case, you may not want the ghost to leave and eventually become accustomed to their presence or activities. However, if your ghostly denizen has sent your antique Tiffany lamp crashing to the floor or rousted you out of a peaceful slumber by flushing the toilet in the middle of the night, you may be considering removal.
There are no proven methods that remove ghosts, but there are an array of methods that have been used with varying success. Whether they really work, or simply serve as a placebo effect for the peace of mind of a property owner, is debatable.
The following methods are commonly used:
1. Ask the ghost to leave, or to stop doing things that bother you. Sounds simple but it was by in large the most common suggestion I encountered. When addressing a spirit directly, you can explain that it is physically dead, but you are alive and you want it to leave your home. Never speak to a ghost when you feel frightened or angry, and always use a firm, unemotional tone. Personally, I have found this simple tactic to be quite effective.
2. Clear your home of negative energy and spirits by “smudging†with sage. You can usually buy sage bundles at stores that sell herbs, incense, and/or hemp clothing. Try an alternative gift shop, food co-op, or head shop. To “smudgeâ€, crack all your windows and light the sage bundle until it starts to smolder. If there’s a flame, blow it out. Then, holding a dish or ashtray under the sage to catch ashes, walk through each room of your house, letting the smoke drift through the air, concentrating on corners and crannies, and using a large feather or your hand to waft smoke into ceiling corners. I learned this “cleansing†ritual from a Native American healer and have used it when moving into a new home to cleanse any residual energy from previous occupants. Minimizing negative energy and conflict in your home probably won’t keep ghosts away, but it may keep them inactive. Some theories suggest that ghosts draw energy from the living people around them, and negative energy leads them to interact disruptively with the physical world. Sage works to the raise the vibrations in your environment and remove heavier negative energy.
3. Pray—to whomever you believe in, whether that means God, the Universe, your ancestors, or the spirits of late family members or friends. When you have a problem with something from the spirit world, it can’t hurt to enlist the help of caring or benevolent spirits. They may be able to help the ghost find its way to the spirit world, or convince it to leave you alone.
4. Have your personal space blessed. If you perceive your ghost as malevolent or extremely fractious, you may be able to convince a member of the clergy to come to your home and bless the whole house or perform a religious ritual to banish the spirit. In less serious cases, or if you aren’t up for having your sanity scrutinized first, you can simply ask a priest to bless some objects—you don’t have to tell him why—and place one in each room where you have experienced ghostly phenomena.
5. Sprinkle salt. Sea Salt has long been purported to offer protection from ghosts. Supposedly, ghosts can’t cross a line of salt, so sprinkling it across entrances may keep them out of a building or room. Legend has it that ghosts(and vampires) must count the grains of salt or sand strewn in an entrance. Some say hanging a vial of salt in front of windows will also repel ghosts, and hanging one around your neck will protect you personally. Placing certain gemstones or crystals used in healing in a bed of sea salt after usage is thought to purge them of negative energies as well.
6. Sprinkle Holy Water. One needn’t be Catholic in order to utilize holy water. This from Fiona Broome’s ghost hunting website Hollow Hill:
“Respectfully and quietly enter your nearest Catholic Church, carrying a small jar or bottle from home. Somewhere in the public area, there will be a large container of Holy Water, usually stainless steel with a cross and a spigot on it.
Fill your container with Holy Water. It’s nice to leave a small donation for this, too. (A dollar or two is customary.)
Upon returning home, pour a liberal amount of the water into a small bowl. Dip your fingers into the water, and stand in any doorway in the house.
Make a broad Sign of the Cross in the doorway, allowing the water to fly off your fingers as you gesture. (If you don’t know how to make a Sign of the Cross, ask any Catholic.)
It can be helpful to add an out-loud prayer, such as “I bless this house in the name of Jesus,†or, “I banish all evil spirits from this home, in the name of God,†or something like that.
(If you feel silly saying this, and can’t help laughing as you do it, don’t do it. This is not a light or casual ritual.)
Do this in every doorway, interior and exterior. Also do this at every window; don’t forget the attic and the basement.â€
There are a number of fascinating books describing various “ghost busting†methods originating from ancient folklore and I find them quite entertaining to read. If you are at all uncomfortable employing the methods described here or if there is no alleviation of unexplained activity, you can “leave it to the professionalsâ€. Particularly if the events have become violent or life threatening. What I mean by “professional†is not the charlatan with a bible and dowsing rods who charges a hefty sum to rid you of your haunting. A good place to start is your local college or university. Contact them and ask if they have a paranormal studies department. If they are unable or unwilling to help you, (doubtful!) they may be able to at least point you in the right direction to clergy or reputable paranormal investigators.
Personally, I believe that most ghosts aren’t out to do us harm. I think it’s the unscrupulous living beings from which we have the most to fear.
