A spirit guide of ghost hunting
A spirit guide of ghost hunting
June 27, 2009
Aaron Sagers
The event here at Fort Mifflin is a go. I just got off the air with the fine folks at Para-X Radio and got a chance to talk about our nice little blog over here. So when you get a chance, head over there and check out their site to continue your paranormal coverage.
We're getting started over here, but before we begin, we need to post a refresher on some terms you might see tonight. These come straight from the "Ghost Hunters" glossary on the SCI FI Channel.
Spirit guide
Ghost hunters don’t speak in tongues, but they do have their own lingo. Here are a few key words to know:
Continuance — Commonly referred to as life after death, survival of the psyche post-cessation of the biological organism that had generated it.
Electromagnetism (also, electromagnetic field, or EMF ) — A force given off by electric charges; found in anything that uses electricity. Some believe spikes in electromagnetism can be tied to paranormal activity.
Entity — A disembodied consciousness commonly referred to as a ghost, spirit or demon.
EVP (electronic voice phenomena) — Disembodied voices and sounds picked up by recording devices.
Orb — Spherical image, usually translucent white, though sometimes reddish or bluish, which inexplicably registers on film and videotape.
Intelligent haunting — An incident in which a ghost knows interacts with the living. The entity might we trying to win a person's assistance on something or just trying to scare the crap out of him.
Residual haunting — Psychic imprint of an incident that is repeatedly played out and witnessed by someone living. Ghosts in these time-displacements often seem unaware of observers.
Vortex — A gateway that opens from the spirit world letting entities into ours.
Follow the live blogging of the TAPS event at Fort Mifflin in Philadelphia tonight, Saturday, June 27, from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. I'll be talking to cast members and paranormal investigators on site, looking for ghostly activity, posting photos and making you part of the action. When not at the computer, catch me on Twitter (@aaronsagers)