AA-EVP 2009 LAX Conference July 11-12, 2009
AA-EVP 2009 LAX Conference July 11-12, 2009
American Association Electronic Voice Phenomena
Los Angeles, California
There will be an AA-EVP Conference July 11 – 12, 2009 at the Westin Los Angeles Airport Hotel. Presenters will focus on techniques for EVP/ITC and we have many successful experimenters demonstrating their methods in “live” formats. Various EVP recording techniques will be shown along with analysis of the results. There will be ITC workshops showing the video-loop, moving-water and crystal-reflection methods. The forensic analysis of EVP will also be presented.
Something new for this conference is that we are seeking sponsors to offset expenses. It is possible to have a “sponsor’s Page” on this website, and/or a “Sponsor’s Table.” Please contact us if you can help.
We are offering members an amazing conference price for “Early Bird’ registration before January 1. The “Early Bird’ price of $150 for this 2 day educational conference is almost half of what the cost will be at the door. You will find a registration form included in this mailing or go to on the AA-EVP website. Rooms at the 4 star Westin are $115 per night.
This will be a ground-breaking conference featuring state-of-the-art techniques to get you excited and motivated. We look forward to seeing you there.
PO Box 13111
Reno, Nevada 89507
