Admiral Fell Inn
Admiral Fell Inn
88 South Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21231
Phone: (410) 522-7377
Fax: (410) 522-0707
In September 2003, during Hurricane Isabel, the guests of the Admiral Fell Inn in Baltimore were evacuated to safety. The only people remaining behind in the hotel were the Hotel Manager John Lowe and several other managers. Everyone stayed on the lobby level. While the group recessed to another room for dinner, Assistant Hotel Manager Iwona Diaz stayed in the lobby to keep watch and handle the phones. When the others returned, Iwona reported that she had heard a lot of noise, footsteps and loud talking in the rooms directly above her in the lobby—like a bunch of people having a party and dancing around. It was jokingly suggested that it must be the inn’s ghosts, who were celebrating the fact that the hotel was empty and they could reclaim their rooms. The next night, John Lowe kept watch in the lobby. As everyone else was down the hall enjoying dinner, he sat on a sofa by the lobby fireplace. Suddenly, he was aware of muffled sounds and many footfalls on the ceiling above. He reported even seeing the floors above vibrate! The “dancing” grew louder and more raucous until it sounded as though 20 people had joined the party. The arrival of another manager and his query, “John, want some pizza?” put an end to the celebration above.
