Alien expert from Hastings VIP guest at UFO conference
Alien expert from Hastings VIP guest at UFO conference
March 23, 2009
By Richards Morris
Hastings Observer
A paranormal expert from Hastings has just returned after speaking at the one of the world's biggest UFO conferences in America.
Malcolm Robinson, who lives in the Old Town, was treated to an all expenses paid trip of a lifetime by the organisers of the International UFO Congress, held in Nevada.
The 51-year-old Scot was asked to talk about UFO and paranormal activity in his native Scotland - a subject he is considered a world authority on.
In fact, such is Mr Robinson's stock, he was once approached by film director Steven Spielberg to launch a multi-million pound hunt for the infamous Loch Ness Monster.
Mr Robinson, who grew up in the little Scottish town of Alloa before eventually settling in Hastings in 2007, got hooked on the paranormal after reading ghost story books as a young boy. From there it flourished and, in 1979, he formed Strange Phenomena Investigations - a group which is still running today.
As he explained: "It got into this business initially to disprove things - and 99 per cent of UFO or paranormal cases are easily explained. However, I soon found the one per cent that can't be explained and it is these cases which fascinate me."
In recent years Mr Robinson has filmed a host of documentaries for television, been interviewed on dozens of radio shows and become something of a regular in the national press - commenting on hundreds of UFO and ghost stories.
However, he says appearing at the Nevada conference was one of the high points of his career so far. This was their 18th year for the conference, but the first time a Scot had been invited to lecture in the USA - an honour which was not lost on Mr Robinson.
Mr Robinson said: "Being at this conference gave me an opportunity to meet fellow researchers and there were 30 of them from all parts of the world, the best in their field, each who were sharing the information from their own countries.
"We had speakers from Turkey, Brazil, Italy, Croatia and elsewhere and I had a great time meeting them all.
"My own presentation went off fantastic and I was warmly received by the large audience.
"The response after my lecture was great and I was signing autographs and smiled as a number of American women all commented on my warm and lovely Scottish accent.
"Some of the other guest speakers gave incredible lectures and some of the UFO film footage that was shown at the conference just had to be seen to be believed.
"I made loads of new contacts who will remain friends for life and they now know the name of Malcolm Robinson. I'm pretty sure that America has not seen the last of me, I'll be back.
So, does Mr Robinson thing the truth is still out there? "The information provided at this conference clearly showed that there are vehicles operating in the skies of the world, which clearly are not our own." said Mr Robinson. "UFOs are real, of that there is no question.
"There have been literally thousands of first class UFO reports coming from all parts of the world. "We are at the bottom of a long ladder of understanding and each day brings us closer to the truth."
