Alien sightings reported in North Por
Alien sightings reported in North Por
Aug 03, 2009
2 News Online
NORTH PORT: Family members are scared to go outside at night because of what they say is lurking in the woods. They claim more than five alien encounters in the last four months have taken place. Now, an international UFO organization wants to crack the real-life X-file.
Michael Rowley and his son Shane moved to their North Port home in April.
"Well, I'm retired and I thought this was where you're supposed to go," Michael said. "The only bad part is the aliens around here."
Shane, 16, says he's had several extra-terrestrial encounters - most of which have been through his bedroom window.
"They kind of show up when they want. You get used to them, but it is weird to see them walking around the woods with those big eyes," he said.
"I haven't seen the wings but we know he flies," added Michael.
The Rowleys' twilight story has the attention of MUFON - Mutual UFO Network. The group is investigating and wants to setup surveillance. But Michael believes they won't show up if cameras are around.
He says the plaster cast of a foot-print is his key evidence. While it may be hard to see, Michael believes the creature has a cloven hoof.
"[It's] about this big with pure deep red eyes. It just looked at me for a second," Michael said.
Michael admits to rarely going out at night. But he says he believes they come in peace and that they're here for a reason.
"I'm a combat Vietnam vet and I don't wake up until something good is going on," he said. "This is something big and good going on."
The family expects another alien encounter during the next full moon.
"And the neighbor, I showed a sample of the foot print and he goes, 'nah.' No one believes me," he said.
To the skeptical, Michael says just come to his house for a visit.
"I didn't believe it at first," he said.
