Ancient Myths - Big Foot/Sasquatch
Ancient Myths - Big Foot/Sasquatch
Other Plane
There are hundreds of articles, sightings and accounts of "Big Foot/Sasquatch." The best account concerning identification is between 7 - 12 feet tall and a 6 1/2 to 8 inch foot print. Some photos exist but cannot be proven or disproven. Here are some statistics to ponder.
Big foot has been in existence for 6,000 years. They are descendants of a animal species. They exist throughout the northern continent, from Florida on into Canada and from the east coast to the west coast. There are 133 of them living (as of 27 May 97). There are 16 family groups, averaging 8 to a family. Usually, there are three males per family group. The average life span is 70 to 80 years. They are "vegetarians."
Their range requires each family group to move on to the next area when the vegetation gets low. They could cover 20 miles per day between areas. They live in caves, sleeping during the day and foraging for food at night. They are "nocturnal creatures," with "night vision characteristics, well-developed smell and hearing. There are 5 digits on their hands and 4 on their feet.
The average male is 8 feet tall and the average female is 7 feet. The male's weight is around 350 to 400 pounds and the female's is 250 to 300 pounds. They leave their "dead" in a cave, where other animals eat them. Animals also eat the "waste," so nothing is left for humans to find. They do not travel over the same trails year-after-year.
The males may have one or two females and they remain together throughout their lives. They "do not" mate with their off-springs, the off-springs are left with other families, when they cross paths during their travelling from one area to another, or during "rare gatherings."
As mentioned earlier, bigfoot families also live in Florida on up to Canada. They are relatives of the northern families. However, there is a difference between the southern families and their northern families. The southern families forage for food during the daylight hours and sleep at night. They average 6 members to a family. They are "meat eaters."
