Anomalous Phenomenon Research Bureau
We are a group of professionals that seek to understand phenomena through research and investigation. We serve Western Colorado, and Eastern Utah, but if time and funding allows, are not averse to investigating in other areas. Though the team itself is new to the paranormal community, the team members are seasoned investigators. Not only does each of us bring investigation and research skills, but also each of us has talents that enhance the ability of the team to do its work.
To us, research is not just the gathering of evidence, but also the analysis of data, and the distribution of our findings. APRB believes that anomalous phenomena can occur at any time, under any circumstances. Therefore we do not limit ourselves to night investigations, but are open to investigations at any time. It is logical to investigate a location during the reported active times, not at the times we think the activity should happen.
We hold the highest standards for investigations, holding client respect, team and client safety, and evidence collection and maintenance in high regard. We follow the standards set up by The ParaNORMAL, composed by Wayne Dunn. These standards indicate to clients that we will be professional and respectful throughout an investigation.
We pursue continued education in many areas that are related to anomalous phenomena. Though not all of us believe in all types of phenomena, we are still willing to investigate those areas in which we are skeptical with great integrity, and search for the truth that each investigation offers.
It is our hope that all teams that investigate the paranormal will unite, and adopt high standards. It is our belief that there are teams that do not accept high standards, and that eventually there will be an issue that brings the possibility of government regulation of the field.
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