Are movies featuring UFOs and aliens being manipulated by Pentagon?
Are movies featuring UFOs and aliens being manipulated by Pentagon?
January 18, 2011
Donna Anderson
Sunday night on Coast to Coast Radio, George Knapp's guest was Bryce Zabel, creator of the TV series “Dark Skies†which aired on NBC from 1996 to 1997. Zabel appeared on the show to discuss his opinion on whether or not the government is manipulating Hollywood to produce movies and television programs dealing with UFOs and aliens as a way to prepare us for full disclosure.
Zabel's experience includes: Creator of five produced one-hour drama series, Chairman/CEO of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Winner of the Writers Guild Award, PBS Investigative Reporter, CNN correspondent and co-author of “A.D. After Disclosure.â€
When asked if he thought the Pentagon was manipulating the truth in the movies and television shows Hollywood is churning out Zabel said he doesn't think so, but it's hard to tell. Anyone who has any experience with UFO research knows the field of UFOlogy is peppered with imposters and misinformation.
However, Zabel said that, while working on 'Dark Skies' in 1996, he and his co-producer, Brent Friedman were approached by a man in a dark suit who told them that they had worked a lot of truth into the program. He told them that he was amazed at 'how much they had right' but that they also had a lot of things wrong.
The man identified himself as J.C. and proceeded to draw a series of hieroglyphics which he said represented the secret of the universe – sound, light and frequency. He told Zabel and Friedman that they may not understand what he was talking about now but if they put that information away in a safe deposit box, in 15 or 20 years it would become perfectly clear. He also arranged a meeting with Zabel and Friedman where he introduced a colleague who he said was from The Aquarium, a secret division of the Naval Intelligence Agency.
This gentleman told Zabel and Friedman that he'd be willing to give them more information on UFOs and aliens in exchange for their agreement to put that information into “Dark Skies†in exactly the places he specified. Unable to make that commitment, Zabel asked for proof that the man actually had real information.
The man from The Aquarium then placed a small, glass vial, containing what Zabel said looked like Fool's Gold, on the desk and said, “That's what they're here for.†He said everything else, abductions, etc., had nothing to do with why we were being visited. They were only here for whatever it was that was in the vial.
The two men tried to arrange another meeting at midnight in a cemetery in Long Beach but Zabel and Friedman decided not to attend. The men contacted them a few more times and then just faded off.
Zabel says he draws no conclusions from this. They may have actually been who they said they were and they may have had some Top Secret information. But they also may have just been imposters trying to see what they could get away with. However, if they were imposters, he says they did some very good research because they really seemed to know a lot.
Zabel says it would be crazy to believe that the Pentagon, or any other government agency, is trying to manipulate Hollywood. While that may have been the case back in the 1940s and 1950s, there are so many UFO and alien movies now, that cover such an uneven quality of topics related to ETs and their message, that if the government was trying to gradually disclose information they're doing it in a very confusing manner.
Zabel states that TV series, feature films and even reality shows are all dramatic shows and that drama needs to have conflict in order to sell. Aliens provide cheap and easy conflict for Hollywood producers. They're safe bad guys that allow them to tell good adventure stories and that's the only reason we see so many films about UFOs and aliens.
According to Zabel, if the government is manipulating Hollywood to lead us gradually down the path to disclosure then they're not doing a very good job of it. 'The X-files', 'The Event', 'V', and 'Taken,' for example, are all programs that present the government as being involved in some type of cover-up. If they're trying to prepare us then why would they go to so much trouble to present themselves in such a negative light?
Not to mention the conflicting information we see in these movies. In one, the alien is a cute little stuffed animal. In the next he's a vicious man-eating monster. In the next he's here to study mankind and the planet. Zabel says that unless there really are 67 different kinds of aliens visiting us for 67 different reasons, the government's efforts at disclosure by manipulating Hollywood are just more confusing than anything else.
