Argentina: Strange Creature Lurks in Moreno's National Park
Argentina: Strange Creature Lurks in Moreno's National Park
January 19, 2009
Source: Diario Popular ( Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Date: January 18, 2009
Argentina: Strange Creature Lurks in Moreno’s National Park
*** Lights and prints reveal intense extraterrestrial activity***
A strange succession of phenomena attributed to the extraterrestrial presence, manifesting itself through lights, prints, vehicle sightings and the unique presence of a strange animal that preys in the region, frightening locals and fishermen alike, has its epicenter in a biosphere and dam located in Moreno, barely 40 kilometers from downtown Capital Federal.
The intensive work performed by a group of researchers of this sort of phenomenon delved into the facts as part of an arduous fieldwork process. While no conclusive results were obtained, it was possible to ascertain that the area has a propensity toward the alien activity captured on images, and traces that suggest an otherworldly presence.
Daniel Valverdi, Jorge Marrón and Daniel Szauter, members of Código Ovni, began investigating the events surrounding the “Reserva Natural Los Robles”, a biosphere belonging to the municipality of Moreno, and the Roggero Dam, with the hope of unraveling the mysteries recorded at this location.
The researchers set their magnifying glasses to work to the West of the connurbated area nearly 2 years ago, convinced that this was an ideal location to expand their UFO research. It was here that the came across signs and eyewitness accounts suggesting mysterious activities of a possible alien nature.
In a conversation with Expedientes Secretos, Valverdi set forth the details of the investigation, which remains active and has had two outings aimed at unraveling the hidden secrets at the heart of the nature park, but which evidently, have their origin in the skies above.
“The first prints we started working with at the site were left behind by something that didn’t quite manage to land on the ground, but did leave circular marks on the grass, and apparently released a magnetic material on which we continue to work,” said Valverdi, who believes that these marks are the remains of UFO visitations.
However, these marks on the ground are also the result of another type of activity that is being studied by the group, based on the graphic accounts of fishermen, local residents and policemen who took a while in recovering their breath after the events they experienced.
One of them is Hector Losa, responsible for guarding the Roggero Dam. He explained how the cabin located above the dam became the target of a singular experience in which a buzzing sound heralded a monumental bath of powerful white light that washed over the building.
Losa became aware of the light – and associated buzzing – as his TV set lost reception and two policemen patrolling the area approached the cabin to find out the source of the glow, which suddenly went out.
Strange Things
Adrian Lopez also informed researchers of how an incandescent light took over a stable during another incredible event, worthy of the best chapter of the X-Files tv series.
But there’s more. Valverdi and his team obtained the story of how a group of fishermen, returning home after an unsuccessful outing, were surrounded by a dense fog. Within the foggy mantle was a light that vanished at the same rate it moved upward.
Aside from the prints and lights, however, there is another mystery in the nature park that members of Codigo Ovni are trying to unravel based on information collected: it involves an animal-like entity that engages in activities ranging from pranks to farm bird depredations in the depths of the nature park.
According to Valverdi, the information gleaned by his group suggests the existence of a strange-looking, unique creature responsible for the deaths of chickens, ducks and geese throughout the nature park.
”If we had to define it,” says Valverdi, “we would say that it’s an animal-like predatory entity,” described as having a hairy, simian appearance, standing 1.20 meters tall and endowed with claws.
This detail is one which multiplies the degree of mystery: there is no known animal in the local fauna whose claws would leave the type of marks found by the researchers in the depths of the nature park, where a figure of uncommon appearance lurks in the bush, stealthy and suspenseful.
A Prowling, Predatory and Prankish Creature
Forest ranger Cacho Ferrer contributed a disquieting story for the investigation conducted by Codigo Ovni’s members in October, involving the strange creature that frequents the area and who is responsible for predations and even pranks.
Ferrer and Hector Losa, mentioned earlier, witnessed a series of curious and unexplained events near the entrance of the Archaeological Museum located near the nature park, where someone methodically unraveled a chain that fastened the iron gates to the establishment. Whenever they heard noise coming from that location, and witnesses turned their eyes to the gate, they were never able to see anyone; however, when approaching the museum entrance, they would always find the chain on the ground, meaning that whoever unraveled it had to engage in very discreet movements to achieve its purpose.
Eyes in the Dark of Night
One of the most direct contact experiences with the cryptic creature dwelling in Reserva Los Robles involved a group of fishermen who were getting ready to spend a night at the shores of the Roggero Reservoir. They witnessed a figure completely different to anything known: an erect figure covered in hair, seen behind the bushes.
The creature stood some two meters tall, had a very large head and somewhat luminous eyes. The shock of the moment kept the terrified fishermen from properly focusing their flashlights on it, and the creature disappeared into the combination of night and vegetation.
