Battery Carriage House Inn

Battery Carriage House Inn

20 South Battery
Charleston, South Carolina 29401
Phone: 843-727-3100
Toll-Free: 1-800-775-5575
Fax: 843-727-3130

Charleston Ghost Stories at Battery Carriage House Inn
"Magical and memory-making for us. We so appreciated your hospitality and friendly staff and shutter-moving ghost." - Guest testimonial

About the Reports
by Drayton Hastie, owner of Battery Carriage House Inn

In a historic city that preserves remnants of the past, it seems natural that former inhabitants would still lurk about. In Charleston, you’ll find that spirits are just as much a part of the city as the living. Known as “Charleston’s most haunted inn,” Battery Carriage House Inn is reportedly home to several ghosts. Though my wife and I have not seen these ghosts, guests and employees alike have had odd encounters — many that are eerily similar. Some may attribute these occurrences to the peculiarities of an old house, but several otherwise skeptical guests have experienced these ghosts and are sure it was real.

Our first reports came in 1992, both about the “gentleman ghost” and the headless torso. Now tour guides often mention these Charleston ghost legends in their stories. The gentleman ghost could be a young man whose family owned this house earlier in the century. He was a sensitive and cultivated college student who, for no reason known to anyone, jumped off the roof and killed himself.

Another of our infamous ghosts of Charleston, the headless torso is likely a man from the Civil War era. The Battery was an active artillery installation during the siege of Charleston, and all the houses in this area were damaged and abandoned during the four-year bombardment. There is no evidence that the torso intends harm, although guests have naturally felt threatened. Guests have also experienced light energy and other strange occurrences, as you’ll read below.

NOTE: Please visit the website to read stories told by guests.
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