Beaumont Hotel
Beaumont Hotel
11651 Southeast Main
Beaumont, KS
(620) 843-2422
rom the hotel:
Our hotel was established in 1879 and served as stagecoach and railroad stop to shelter weary pioneers. It also served at some point in the late 1800's or early 1900's as a bit of a brothel.
The story has it that the then proprietor would provide food and drink downstairs to patrons while his wife would provide other needs upstairs. However she became attached over time to one particular customer; a young local cowboy named Zeke. Thus enraging her husband, who in turn shot and killed Zeke.
We have now owned the hotel for the last 3 years and in this time our staff, customers and myself have had many experiences with Zeke.
One of his favorites seems to be the moving a chair behind the door to one our suites so that each time a person enters the room, the door strikes the chair. This happened to me at least 3 times one evening. I would move the chair back to the desk that is located approximately 2 feet beside the doorway, and the next time that I would open the door to enter the suite the chair would be directly in the doors pathway once again. He also seems to have become quite adept at turning clock radios on in the middle of the night as many guests, including myself who have stayed alone in the hotel have been awakened to a radio or alarms going off simultaneously in other rooms. Many of them at opposite ends of the hallway, and always around 2 or 3 a.m. ..
Many guests have also reported hearing the sound of spurs jangling or a loud thumping similar to the sound a washing machine makes when it is out of balance.
A couple staff members have also swore to have seen a cowboy at the top of the stairs, and when they have gone up to see if they could assist this individual were unable to locate anyone.
These are just a few of the occurrences we seem to have on a weekly basis.
