Britain releases its UFO files. Are U.S. corporations hiding ours?
Britain releases its UFO files. Are U.S. corporations hiding ours?
August 19, 2009
Dennis Bodzash
The truth is out there. The truth is out there locked away in secret government vaults somewhere. This statement need not fully apply to Great Britain any longer. Last week, Great Britain became the envy of many UFO researchers in the United States. Why? Because the British government released accounts of over 8,000 UFO sightings dating from around 1980 to the present. These reports were previously classified. The information is now available at the British government's national archives web site.
Before this, photos of UFOs were the best evidence that researches had to go on. Now, researchers have the government take from Great Britain.
Before getting too excited, it is important to realize that many of the UFO reports can be easily explained in a down to Earth manner. Misidentified aircraft can account for a large number of the night sightings. A story from FOX news reveals that British intelligence was greatly interested in the idea that the U.S. was secretly testing top secret aircraft over the skies of Britain. Other common explanations for UFO sightings include meteors, satellites, and planets. However, according to the BBC report, 5-10% of the sightings remain unexplained.
Great Britain is not alone. Last month, the Russian navy released records of UFO encounters.
As for the United States, things are not so clear. In the 2008 presidential campaign, then candidate Barak Obama promised a new era of open government should he be elected. Well, candidate Obama is now President Obama. However, it remains to be seen what will happen in the United States on the front of government transparency regarding UFOs. Jimmy Cater failed to keep his UFO promise over 30 years ago. A complicating factor in the goal of releasing UFO files to the public is that many may have been transferred away from the military and to private corporations in order to take the information out of the public domain and into the realm of corporate secrecy where Freedom of Information Act requests cannot touch them. Sound crazy? Consider this: this theory does explain why so many document requests under FOIA come back with the government saying that the files do not exist in their records. Either the government is lying or the records have indeed been moved.
While some hail the release of the documents as hopefully the beginning of a new era of government openness, others see it only as a few tantalizing tidbits to keep the public occupied. Names and addresses of the reporters have been omitted to protect identities, which leaves legitimate researchers at a dead end. Besides this, the tendency of governments all over the world to downplay, not investigate, and even ridicule the idea of UFOs and alien contact lends more fuel to the conspiracy fire. If UFOs/aliens are not real, why are governments so secretive about the topic?
Expect a follow-up at some point in the near future. Below is the full image from which the above crop was taken.
