CC The Huntress
"CC The Huntress" is rated #1 in Paranormal internet shows with millions of views by loyal fans worldwide. She hunts for ghosts alone! Anything could happen!
CC is putting the real into PARANORMAL. Her shows are 100% real action paranormal.
Never over processed with music & sound effects. "CC The Huntress" can be seen on many internet television stations: Paraxvision, GhostchannelTV, CCTV, TiptonTV & MingleMediaTV along with GTN. Ms. Carole is a refreshingly stylish and classy woman that hunts for ghosts alone by using a blend of high tech & metaphysics. She takes pride in the fact she is an educator with her "CC The Huntress†TV series, her fun and entertaining events & lectures on all aspect of the paranormal. Here are a few of the topics CC lectures on; EVPs, EMF meters, High Tech gear, dowsing rods. She is proficient in all aspects of the paranormal. Being born into the wonderful world of the unknown (her Grand Mother interpreted dreams) CC has been active in the quest for ghost her entire life. She is a natural born ghost hunter!
â€CC The Huntress†will blow you away with where she goes and the ghosts she communicates with. CC travels the globe to bring you the best in paranormal experiences.
CC Carole affectionately known as " CC The Huntress", "The Queen of Paranormal",
'The Mistress of the Unknown", "New Queen of Darkness"," Sexiest Ghost hunter on the Planet" and her new title "Haunted Hottie" by Haunted America Radio.
CC Carole is a paranormal huntress. She uses everything she has in her arsenal (spirituality to science )
to track / hunt spirits. She brings you a new educational perspective on
the world of the paranormal in a way you have never seen before.
Her comparison to Elvira as the NEW "Queen of Darkness" makes her smile. In CC's own words
"There is only one Elvira. She is the sexiest woman I've ever seen. To be compared to her is truly a compliment.
One I will cherish for a lifetime, but my work is serious and I am real through and through.
Not an actress for show... I've been this way my entire life."
She was born clairvoyant and the ability to communicate with the spirit world unmasked over time.
As a young girl CC would predict events, deaths and accurately interpret dreams.
Dream interpretation was a gift from her grandmother
who would interpret dreams for family members. Carole could see and communicate with the dead.
CC knew at a young age she could soothe the souls
of the dead with her unique approach. This trait fascinated her friends who often called her "Bewitched".
She assures all she is not "Bewitched" just intuitive to the unknown and has a life time,
of active experience in the field of the paranormal.
CC is the Author of "Ghosts and Legends of the Merrimack Valley " for History Press part of their "Haunted America Series".
CC sits on the board of advisers for Applaud Magazine a woman's focus magazine for New Hampshire and Massachusetts .
She is a Registered Usui Reiki Master, Practitioner.
Teacher and a Registered licensed Karuna Reiki Master, Practitioner Teacher.
She is a Practitioner in the art of Universal Natural medicine and Spiritual healing,
performing spiritual based and non spiritual based exorcisms.
Her proficiencies include: Stones and Crystals along with Herbal and Aroma Therapy,
Dream interpretation, versed in Angles & Demons, EVP and all aspects of paranormal investigations. Which includes animal communication and the art of divination.
She is a practitioner of Meta Physics and is a avid educator of Parapsychology
Ms Carole is a supporter of charities giving a part of all her proceeds to charitable organizations.
CC Carole is a graduate of NERPI, Northeast Regional Police Institute in Tewksbury , MA where she graduated first in her class for firearms training and served as a Reserve Officer in Lawrence , Massachusetts
Advanced multimedia, video production training, studio and host training ATT Broadband Studio Andover, MA
Creator of “CC The Huntress†100% real action paranormal TV series.
CC's is a co-producer of "Ghost Stories of New England" her work has been seen on FOX, WNDS, Comcast, Adelphia, and Metrocast and many other cable outlets both nationally and internationally.
Creator of TQ Radio: A syndicated radio program designed for the unsigned artist.
Creator of Talent Quest and Community Talent Showcase: 1999-2004: A cable television program very similar to American Idol.
Creator of Follow Your Dreams: A cable television program that highlighted inventions 1997-1999. Very similar to the popular national invention show.
INFLUENCES: There is NO one out there quiet like “CC The Huntressâ€
Check out CC's Blog. She tells it like it is in the paranormal world! click here
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