CIA, 9/11, UFOs, and the Extraterrestrial Presence: SERPO-A The John Gannon Affair
CIA, 9/11, UFOs, and the Extraterrestrial Presence: SERPO-A The John Gannon Affair
June 24, 2009
Gary S. Bekkum
American Chronicle
"Look up John Gannon ... top secret and didn't come from me."
My contributing source then added, "Nudge, nudge, wink wink!" and I knew a new spy game was afoot.
In their search to know the future, CIA and other elements in the U.S. Intelligence Community have been shadowed by a growing number of private "intelligence" operations.
I wondered about their Internet presence as new clues to the UFO spy game came into focus.
The tales of spies, lies, and polygraph tape emerge at an unexpected intersection where the CIA, 9/11, UFOs, and a "core story" of an extraterrestrial presence are played as spy games on the Internet.
And by September of 2006, the UFO spy game was taken to a new level with allegations that John Gannon, a highly respected senior intelligence official, was one of the players.
The story would soon come into better focus with a series of emails deliberately leaked by Dr. Ron Pandolfi, a former CIA scientist who had moved to the newly formed Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
One source noted, "The focus of attention has been on the alleged role of John Gannon as the original 'anonymous' source of the SERPO material."
Ah yes, I understood: SERPO, the Space Alien Internet "Soap Opera" alleged to have been delivered by "Source A" or SERPO-A, which curiously is an anagram of "OPERAS."
Sometimes "operas" provide convenient and deniable cover for "operations."
Was there more to SERPO than a nice little story intended to entertain the rank and file of UFO believers?
In less than a year SERPO had infected vast segments of the Internet underground with a tale of a government sanctioned alien and human exchange program.
Another source added that it had been reported that "John [Gannon] would neither confirm nor deny his involvement."
Ron Pandolfi, operating from the DIA for ODNI MASINT, wrote to a colleague and associate of John Gannon:
"You and I both have interests and reasons for having interests in getting at the truth regarding activities that potentially threaten national security. Let me be clear ... I am not implying any potential truth in the SERPO story. But behind any story there are motivations, players, and possibly facts that are rather disturbing. As such some of us are forced to ask some questions and try to get some answers."
John Gannon, former CIA Deputy Director for Intelligence, was the chairman of the National Intelligence Council in 1999 when a report was produced warning that suicide bombers "could crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or the White House."
Gannon confirmed to CBS News that "officials long have known a suicide hijacking was a threat."
The 1999 report, produced during the Clinton Administration, mirrored earlier warnings produced by America's psychic spies, going back to the 1980s.
An unofficial memo, issued during a 1983 training exercise to enhance psychic intelligence, warned of a future plot to crash a jet aircraft packed with explosives into the U.S. Capitol Building.
In an eerie foreshadowing of 9/11, the memo predicted that a foreign pilot of Mideastern origin, with a name that "sounds like Jerry, Gerard, or Geraldo" would fly the suicide mission.
The name of the actual terrorist pilot who flew the failed attempt against the U.S. Capitol Building on 9/11 was Jarrah.
Gannon has since moved from government service to the private sector as Vice President for Global Analysis with BAE Systems. Along the way he served as Staff Director of the House Homeland Security Committee, and as team leader in the White House's Transitional Planning Office for the Department of Homeland Security.
In his book SPIES FOR HIRE, author Tim Shorrock describes John Gannon's BAE Global Analysis unit as "a miniature version of the U.S. Intelligence Community" with "a staff of more than eight hundred analysts with security clearances."
When Shorrock interviewed John Gannon in the Fall of 2006, just as the "spies, lies, and polygraph tape affair" came to my attention, Gannon told Shorrock "that contracting had probably gone too far in intelligence."
Gannon told Shorrock that a good amount of private intelligence is bad, and "there's a lot of real hucksters out there."
Dr. John Gannon serves on the Defense Intelligence Agency TIGER standing committee with Dr. Ruth David, the former Deputy Director for Science and Technology at CIA, and Dr. Christopher Kit Green, a former senior analyst with CIA who continues to consult on matters of intelligence for the government.
The TIGER committee was first connected to "UFO physics" in early 2006 when it was revealed by Dr. Green that the exotic propulsion and new energy research of Dr. Hal Puthoff had "been tabled a a recent meeting."
Early meetings of TIGER included "Air Force and Department of Defense Aerospace Propulsion Needs."
I was alerted to the "John Gannon Affair" by contributing sources to STARstream Research on August 25th, 2006, who had brought forward several items suggestive of espionage to Dr. Ronald (Ron) S. Pandolfi.
Ron Pandolfi was known for "operating outside of customary channels" during his previous national security investigations. He had previously acquired the reputation of being "CIA's UFO" point of contact.
One of the other principles involved in the "John Gannon Affair" also expressed the opinion that a privately-based intelligence service might have been playing the spies with their own spy games on the Internet.
Soon the focus of the "leaked" version of Pandolfi's investigation would be directed at Richard (Rick) C. Doty, who was best known for morphing his role at the Air Force Office of Special Investigation in the 1980s into a cottage industry of alien involvement with the US government.
A source wrote to Pandolfi, "When I pressed the point about Kit's [Dr. Green's] involvement, you shifted the culpability to Rick Doty ... The idea that Rick is the sole contributor to the notion of high-level complicity in ufology has never been sustainable to scrutiny."
It was commonly known that Dr. Green had an interest in "exotic phenomena" and "human effects" going back to the CIA's covert psychic research program at the Stanford Research Institute in the 1970s.
According to Dr. Green's TIGER Committee biographical sketch, Green "holds the National Intelligence Medal and is a fellow in the American Academy of Forensic Sciences" following a "distinguished career with the CIA" where he was "senior division analyst and assistant national intelligence officer for science and technology."
Someone intended to use the Internet to associate the TIGER with UFOs and the SERPO soap opera. Adding John Gannon's name to the mix had only stirred the waters.
By September 1st Pandolfi emailed one of his sources:
"I have concluded that the J.G. connection was fabricated, most likely by Doty with possibly the assistance of others."
I was advised that the email stream involving Pandolfi and Green concerning Rick Doty was "being staged."
Pandolfi's source replied, "Don't tell me that this man is working on his own! He takes direction from someone in Washington. If his work is legitimate government work I have no right prying, whether I agree with the methods employed, or not. If it isn't legitimate, then he is fair game."
Within a few days Pandolfi had gone from paying his teenagers to delete SERPO-related emails to actively engaging the issue over "national security concerns" with allegations of questionable persons and access to government facilities.
Pandolfi wrote to his colleague:
"Your expansion of the story of the two DIA employees visiting LANL [Los Alamos National Laboratory] and being known to others has me concerned. The names you provided do not correspond to any DIA employees. There are no people with these names that have TS//SCI clearances. If the story of the sources/visitors is true, they are falsely representing themselves as DIA employees, possibly to access sensitive facilities and acquire classified information for a foreign service."
Rick Doty had allegedly given access to a British documentary film crew, a well established method of obtaining intelligence at sensitive government facilities.
To be continued in part thirteen.
