Call for the ghost of Cleenish Island
Call for the ghost of Cleenish Island
Feb 4, 2009
Fermanagh Herald
Have you ever seen a ghost on Cleenish Island?
If so then one Englishman is desperate to hear from you.
A few weeks ago, Tony Galbraith and his wife, Doreen were visiting Fermanagh when they came across something very unusual.
Mr Galbraith, who lives in Suffolk, recalls the moment: "My wife and I decided to take a walk. We went to an area known as Cleenish Island, a very rural setting with many deserted dwellings near the village of Belnaleck.
"We drove our car across the bridge onto the island and drove about a mile further down the twisty narrow road where we decided to stop and take a walk to where we were told there was an old graveyard. The area was so quiet and peaceful it made for a lovely walk, even though it was cold and getting dark.
"The closer we walked to the graveyard, the more old empty houses we passed, the more myself and my wife began to become spooked, It felt like we where not alone," he continued.
Then it happened: "As we passed the house, my wife claims someone walked past the window. Although she only caught a glimpse, she says that she saw a man wearing clothes like from the 19th century period. I walked into the house but could not see anyone," Mr Galbraith recalled.
Then came another experience: "As we approached the old graveyard, we both saw a lady standing amongst the gravestones ruins. As we approached closer, we noticed she to was wearing what looked to be clothes from the later 19th Century. She smiled at us and I said, "Are you alright" as I said, this she walked in amongst the trees and disappeared.
"My wife was at this stage understandably frightened as was I, however although we both saw and felt a ghostly presence, it seemed friendly all the same."
Mr and Mrs Galbraith then walked around the Graveyard but saw nothing. However, their spooky sightings intrigued them.
"As we walked back to our car, we both where asking ourselves: did that really happen and, yes we both came to the conclusion it did. However, what we saw and felt was going to do us no harm. All the same, we where glad to be leaving the island."
A keen fisherman, Mr Galbraith has visited Fermanagh many times in the past, but this is his first experience of such ghostly happenings. In fact, he admits to being something of a sceptic when it comes to the spiritual world.
"I have never experienced anything like this before. I didn't even believe in these types of paranormal happenings before, I always assumed people who saw ghosts were mad but, I can tell you now that what I saw scared the life out of me," he admits
In a further twist to his spooky tale, Mr Galbraith outlined a further discovery: "The ghost I saw was very spooky looking and was moving quite quickly, it was very scary even though she smiled at me. I felt a cold presence but, it was when I got home that things took a turn for the worst when I found my breast pocket on my shirt was ripped. It wasn't like that before I left. It's fair to say that Doreen and I didn't get much sleep that night."
Keen to explore his experience further, Mr Galbraith would like to hear from anyone who has witnessed the ghost of Cleenish Island.
"I don't know anyone in the area, but I have tried contacting the Fermanagh Paranormal Society. I would welcome any information from your readers."
They can email Mr Galbraith on"
