Unsolved Mysteries
Chupacabra means "goat Sucker". This Creature was reported to have been seen throughout the Caribbean, several countries of South America and even in Florida. It has been reported that this creature kills animals by sucking all the blood from them. There have been found many dead goats and farm animals throughout these countries. These animals where found with puncture wounds around there neck. Some have reported that the creature is alien in origin and that UFO¹s have brought them to us. Other say that they are creatures created by the government.
Chupacabras have reportedly killed thousands of animals in Puerto Rican and the United States. Dozens of people have claimed to have seen this animal.
Chupacabras are described as about four feet tall when standing errect, have huge red elongated eyes, grey skin that is part fur and part feathers, short arms with claws, legs like a kangaroo, and a line of sharp spikes down the middle of it's back. They are supposedly very powerful animals. Some report that the chupakabras have wings and can fly.
Chupacabras seeks out farm animals including goats, chickens, and horses. It punctures their flesh and literally sucks the blood from their bodies. Internal organs have sometimes been removed.
Chupacabras have also been seen in other countries, some with different description, sometimes with the head of a grey alien. The Chupacabra has been spotted in the southern part of the United States included the desert of southern California.
Often orange balls of lights show up at the same time as the reports of Chupacabras. Many create a link with UFOs' and Chupacabra's based on this.
