Cosmonaut Georgi Grechko: UFO and ET visits are real.
Cosmonaut Georgi Grechko: UFO and ET visits are real.
Michael Cohen
All News Web
Georgie Grechko, aged 78, is a Soviet cosmonaut who flew on three space flights: Soyuz 17, Soyuz 26, and Soyuz T-14. He also has a doctorate in mathematics and is a living legend in Russia. Grechko has gone on record stating that he believes that UFO visitation is real and that aliens have in fact been visiting earth for thousands of years.
He currently devotes his time to studying ancient megaliths which he believes are the work of UFO travelling aliens. He has visited most of world’s great ancient stone structures such as Stonehenge and the Egyptian Pyramids.
Grechko believes that aliens will return to earth openly on December 22-23 of 2012 (the end of the Mayan calender: see this article). He claims they will choose one of these ancient structures to land their UFO and he hopes to be there for the event.
Interestingly he proposes a theory similar to the one we wrote about here: Namely that the aliens come from a very small, cold planet at the edge of our own solar system.
My comment: The number of cosmonauts and astronauts (such as Edgar Mitchell) who have confirmed that UFOs are real and aliens are visiting earth should seriously bother UFO sceptics.
Source: Just Media
