Deadwood - The Bullock Hotel
Deadwood - The Bullock Hotel
Most of the legends of this locale revolve around Sheriff Seth Bullock, the western legend who was said to have such piercing gray eyes that "his gaze could stop fights" and "he could outstare a mad cobra or a rogue elephant". One of the mustachioed founding fathers of the rough and tumble mining town, Bullock's hotel still stands today as a popular attraction. He and his partner Sol Star came to Deadwood to sell mining equipment to the growing masses there, and the Bullock Hotel sits on the spot that they built the hardware store on upon their arrival. (The hardware store was lost to a fire in 1894) Struck down by cancer, Bullock died in room 211 of his hotel in September of 1919. Since then, dozens of guests and employees alike claim to have seen his apparition in the building. The ghost was even said to have helped a lost little boy find his way back to his guest room. A stickler for idleness, the activity is said to increase when staffers are being lazy, or if they whistle or hum. The apparition of a little girl has also been reported. Lights and showers turn themselves on and off without explanation. The sounds of footsteps, of a man calling out their name, and of whistling has been reported by various visitors to the hotel, as has a tapping sensation on the shoulder when no one is near. Toilet paper has been known to unroll itself in bathrooms. In room 305 the "Bullock Suite", a clock that has been broken for many years will occasionally chime, and many photographic anomalies have been reported in room 211. Rooms 211, 205, 209, 305, 315, 313, 207, and 302 have all had paranormal occurrences reported by guests.
