Eastern Paranormal
Eastern Paranormal
Eastern Paranormal is located in the Wilmington, North Carolina area. We serve the Eastern Seaboard of the United States.
Eastern Paranormal was founded, owned, and operated by Gabreael in order to investigate all aspects of paranormal research. Gabreael is a noted author, psychic researcher, photographer, and a natural born clairvoyant.
Eastern Paranormal is dedicated to examining paranormal phenomena, collecting evidence which might be supportive in proving the existence of paranormal phenomena, and providing education and assistance to those who are experiencing phenomena they believe to be paranormal in origin.
We believe that paranormal phenomena should be studied and experimented upon using a mixture of both scientific and metaphysical techniques.
Eastern Paranormal's Goals
1. To research and explore all aspects of paranormal research, from the scientific realm to the esoteric realm.
2. To conduct research which is scientifically controlled, documented, and thorough. This research while scientific may utilize metaphysical means when needed, as long as these means are carried out in a well documented manner. Any audio/video recordings or photographs taken become the property of Eastern Paranormal. We will let you know of any findings of a particular case, solely to those involved, as it becomes necessary. We hold each case in the strictest of confidence. We will never reveal actual identities of individuals unless given specific written permission by the individuals involved.
Eastern Paranormal reserves the right to refer investigations to other researchers if needed, or to call in other researchers if needed. Investigations we accept will receive our full attention and resources. Investigations will be carried out to their conclusion.