For Sale - haunted Kentucky horse farm - ghosts and new vacuum included
For Sale - haunted Kentucky horse farm - ghosts and new vacuum included
August 19, 2009
Wendy Garrett
~ Boldness in business is the first, second, and third thing. - H. G. Bohn -
Haunted hotels have no trouble using what might otherwise seem a checkered reputation as a tourist draw, And it would appear the lure is becoming even more attractive with the success of the ever growing crop of paranormal shows on television.
In places like The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado and The Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, the ghost tour is enough to ensure a mini paranormal buzz for the novice ghost hunter but some jaded souls may not be satisfied with such a short time to test their metaphysical metal. Rather than a brief visit, they may actually want a more challenging engagement.
So, while spending a night or two at a haunted hotel is a close enough encounter for most, those who have yet to be convinced or are undaunted with the potential for unseen company might have no problem considering rooming with ghosts full time.
Enter Lura Kecthledge who has a listing for her Haunted Kentucky Horse Farm on eBay. The sale price includes all contents of the house... "including a new vacuum."
I spoke with Lura and she was very candid about the spirits who hang out with her. She says, in the seven years of living on her Kentucky horse farm, she has had plenty of ghost encounters and can't honestly say it isn't haunted. To that end, she's even willing to take a lie detector test (at someone else's expense) to make her case.
Ketchledge is also actively seeking a literary agent and hopes there might even be a movie deal somewhere down the line. She says the house has helped inspire her three books on the paranormal and insists she has a wealth of ideas as a result of her life experience with ghosts. Three books might be just the beginning.
At the time of this writing, there is no buyer for the property; but there must be some interest. In three weeks, the eBay listing generated 4 thousand views.
Selling a property that is considered to be haunted can be tricky. Laws vary from state to state in terms of what must be disclosed. Some property owners have intentionally kept low key and said they really couldn't be sure one way or the other. Besides, not everyone believes in ghosts.
Whatever one believes, one can still give Lura credit for laying all her paranormal cards on the table and creating a winning, quirky, property pitch in a tight housing market. She's managed to generate interest and interviews with all of her local television media outlets. It's just a matter of time before the national shows follow suit. Hopefully, the ghosts know how to pass the inspection.
Here's the clip of Lura and her home I tracked down after I stumbled upon her "So You Think You're a Psychic" vid on YouTube.
Oh, and Lura says the ghosts are not the reason she is moving. And with this writing, this is one more site adding to her views... Gorilla Marketing at it's finest.
