Our team consists of serious paranormal researchers on the quest to explain the seemingly unexplainable. Most of us do not label ourselves "ghost hunters."
Thrill seekers tend to annoy and impede credible researchers. After all, if spirits roam freely amongst the living, and if they are upheld as once living, breathing human beings, shouldn't respect be instilled in any and all paranormal research?
While investigating the afterlife, the inquisitive members that research the paranormal generally wear dark colored clothing. Anything that glitters, such as jewelry, apparel with reflective materials and/or shiny jackets are discouraged. Mirrors, windows, glass, etc. glittery clothing and all types of jewelry can throw unwanted reflections into the camera lens. These unwanted images can be caught on camera,and when later reviewed may give an odd appearance that can certainly be misleading.
Each member is courteous and respectful of other serious researchers and their findings, the properties under investigation, and each member abides by the law. GoDark! MPR does not trespass onto any property that is privately owned, without invitation, or any area that is posted off limits.
GoDark! MPR adheres to another strict rule that states if anyone fabricates any type of evidence, they are removed from the team, and banned from rejoining GoDark! MPR for life. Faking evidence benefits no one.
Any member of GoDark! MPR who provokes or antagonizes "spirits" while on an investigation will be warned against the act. IF the offense is repeated, they will be dismissed and permanently banned from GoDark! MPR.
GoDark! MPR does not claim to have all the answers to explain the supernatural. Since everyone in the paranormal field works on theories, their own belief system, assumptions, and simple logic, human beings are certainly not experts. The only experts in this field seem to be the ghosts, and they are not sharing much!
Most members of GoDark! MPR discount orbs as sustaining anything consisting of supernatural substance to help explain the paranormal. Typically, orbs and misty formations can easily be discredited on photographs as dust, solar flares, camera malfunction, moisture, humidity, pollen, cigarette smoke, as well as gradual drops in temperature and humidity. That is not to say that GoDark! MPR completely considers orbs and misty formations as manufactured particles of something explainable. GoDark! MPR simply does not put much thought, emphasis. faith or research into the commonality of orbs or misty formations since they are unlikely to credibly prove spirits mingle with the living.
The majority of GoDark! MPR members do not watch Ghost Hunters or any other theatrically produced paranormal program. Members of GoDark! MPR are more "hands on" investigators. However, input and opinions from serious paranormal researchers is appreciated and valued.
Infrared Cameras are one of GoDark! MPR's biggest treasures. However, Infrared lights and infrared lighting bars that attach to any camera are forbidden while on any investigation since they are unreliable.
Reasoning: GoDark! MPR has easily discredited "flashy", "misty" appearances found on Night Vision cameras during playback. While investigating Byrd Farm, Maresa was on the 2nd floor using a camcorder with an Infrared Light bar attached to it. While other members monitored the DVR on the first floor, flashes of misty and flashy shapes could be seen while the Infrared Light bar was in use. When asked to turn the light bar off, the flashy, misty forms stopped. GoDark! MPR tested this theory several times, and the results were the same.
Conclusion: SInce the Infrared Light bar and other types of infrared lights that normally require a prior 8 hour electrical charge before using, the attachments lose their charge. After properly recharging, the misty, flashing images disappear...until the charge wears down.
GoDark! MPR respects opinions, input and suggestions from anyone and everyone concerning paranormal research. By sharing data, we all benefit