Ghost Hunter's training ground
Ghost Hunter's training ground
September 17, 2010
Heather Miller
Fox Toledo
LAKE TWP., Ohio (WUPW) - There is no shortage of ghostly legends and lore floating around this time of year. And those in the know say things tend to heat up the closer we get to Halloween.
Heather Miller joined some local ghost hunters at a Wood County Cemetery so haunted they use it to train new members.
Cemeteries are common places where ghosts are said to roam, but according to the Toledo Paranormal Research Society, the Lake Township Cemetery is anything but a place to spend your final rest.
The Toledo Paranormal Research Society has been looking in to haunted happenings here at the Lake Township Cemetery for five years after group founder, Jon Lento, was asked to check out some complaints by the local police.
"How the officer when they would sit in here to trap speeders at night would see and hear things and it got to them enough where they didn't want to be here anymore."
Armed with cameras and electromagnetic energy detectors The Toledo Paranormal Research Society started looking for answers.
"That the officer were just seeing reflections off of tomb stones or shadows off of tress. We try to factor in all the natural things that can cause anything. And right away we discovered it's not all just natural things out here. There's super natural and paranormal things going on out here all of the time."
"This place is amazing with paranormal activity. It's the first place I ever came to. It definitely proved to me that I wasn't imagining things."
There are some pictures to prove it. Photos the group has taken at the cemetery over the past few years. If you look close you can see the strange shapes, just some of the evidence they say they have that this place is haunted.
"EVP's, disembodied voiced, we're seen shadows, we've seen apparitions. Just about everything and anything you can experience with the paranormal you can experience here."
That's why Jon and company bring all new members here for their first ghost hunt. Like Debbie Miller who joined the group just a month ago.
"I got some cool pictures. I heard some footsteps a couple times. Just got some weird feeling. Especially back in the area. I wouldn't go back there again. I just felt really uncomfortable."
The area they are talking about is here in the back, north east corner of the grave yard. An apparent hot spot where all of these ghost hunters have witnessed the most activity.
"We actually had a dark shadowy figure come right in our face and right over our heads. And it was like a big whoosh of air and here was no wind that night what-so-ever. And it was pretty startling."
"It gets pretty insane here some times."
Insanity that makes all their hard work worth it... The Toledo Paranormal Research Society doesn't do thing for money. They all volunteer their time to bring others peace of mind.
"Our purpose is just for answers. We want to help people. There are people out there who don't understand as much as we do and they get frighten and we come in and wand was to put their minds at peace and ease... or disprove the haunt all together."
Now, the Toledo Paranormal Research Society has a warning for you, it is illegal to be in the cemetery after dark. The group has special permission to do its investigations at night... you would be trespassing.
