Ghost steals my pajama shirt
Ghost steals my pajama shirt
August 22, 2009
Eddie Middleton
NOTE: This is part I of a continued story. Please follow the rest of the story at
How I became convinced of the reality of the paranormal [Part II]
The back burner of my gas stove that got turned on while I was taking a late afternoon nap would probably have been explained by a skeptic as the work of one of my two cats. I had forgotten to mention in my last aritcle that I had two feline companions in the ghost house with me. To think that one of my cats could have pushed in the knob and then turned it to cause the back burner to ignite is stretching Occam's Razor to the breaking point. Skeptics do this all the time however, so desperate are they to rule out the reality of the paranormal. The next stunt the ghost of the Lee House played on me would have been even more difficult to try to give a natural explanation for.
I had been living there for about a month before this next paranormal puzzler occurred. One night as I was getting ready for bed and starting to put my pajamas on, I couldn't find my shirt to go with the pajama pants. I looked all over the place and couldn't find it. This night search for my night shirt was very frustrating as I always kept the top and bottom of my pajamas together. I finally gave up in a state of bewilderment and went to bed in my undershirt. The next day I was absolutely determined to find it and literally looked every possible place in the apartment that I could have put it. To no avail! How could I have so successfully hidden it from myself?
Another day of, by this time frantic, searching and I finally gave up and resigned myself to never finding it again. I was beginnning to suspect the ghost was the culprit. Then one morning a few days later, I went into the bathroom to shave, and low and behold! There my pajama shirt was, hanging neatly folded over the shower rod. I knew I had not hung it there unless I was losing my mind. And that was definitely not the case though a skeptic probably would have suggested that this was the obvious explanation. This time a chill literally ran down my spine.
The next trick the ghost played on me even the paranormal doubter would have given up on---the half-way intelligent kind that is. Here the blatant evidence of the reality of the paranormal stares one starkly in the face. No way for the debunker to avoid it unless he claims that I am out and out lying. And I even have the physical evidence to this day as a memento of this experience. In the next installment I will share with you the piece de resistance in my personal introduction into the world of haints misbehaving.
