GhostWatch at Ireland's Eye
GhostWatch at Ireland's Eye
Join the great Irish ghost watch – look out for the ethereal apparition of a young lady whose spirit, many believe, haunts this former Irish linen mill. Elsewhere on this site you can read viewers' accounts of the appearance of the phantom, and the tragic story of Helena Blunden whose spooky phantasm reveals itself at the witching hour.In order to participate in the ghost watch on this page it is necessary for your computer to be java enabled. If you can't see anything or if you want to save a sighting of any apparition or just copy the picture Click here for a non-Java version.
This room is used only occasionally. During the day it is illuminated by natural light and can, at times, appear very brightly lit. At night, Irish time, when there is perhaps the best chance to catch a glimpse of a fleeting spirit or apparition it is dimly lit by artificial light. This is a live video and the picture will be updated every 30 seconds. We need your help in looking out for a ghost or anything unusual in this print works. Please report your observations of anything spooky by clicking on one of the buttons below, this will send us a short message recording the time of your visit and whether or not you saw something - we will write to you later to let you know the results.
Ghost or no ghost - it is just as valuable to know that you saw nothing unusual as to report seeing something. If you wish to comment on a phantom at greater length please click here to post details of an apparition on our message board, or simply visit the message board to read the sightings of others. View the message board.
