Ghostly Knights Paranormal Society of New York
Ghostly Knights Paranormal Society is located in Queens, New York. We are a group experienced paranormal investigators from all ethnic backgrounds and Religions dedicated to researching the paranormal through scientific means. Since our inception in January of 2005 we have helped many people with paranormal phenomenon in their homes and businesses. In the majority of cases, we have been able to satisfactorily find natural causes for the paranormal events that they were experiencing. Our primary goal is to either conclusively prove or disprove the existence of the paranormal through research and investigations. We do not use Seances or Ouija boards in our investigations or do we condone the use of these methods. In addition to private research and investigations, we also hold charitable and public events where we can educate the public about the paranormal. All of our investigations are free of charge and all client information is kept in strict confidence. If you believe that you may have paranormal activity in your home or business,or if you just wish to ask a question, please contact us.
