Haunted! Paranormal: Keeping the Paranormal Real

Haunted! Paranormal: Keeping the Paranormal Real
March 18, 2009
Katherine Gamble
The Anchor

I’m sure many people have heard of the popular television show “Ghost Hunters” on the Sci-Fi channel, in which a paranormal investigation group travels to both clients and public sites to document the paranormal. I always wanted to join a group like that. Why not?
Society has debated the possibility of the paranormal for centuries. When it comes down to an answer, it depends on how much you believe and how much research you have done. However, joining TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society, founded by Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson) seemed pretty far off. After much research and actually meeting Jason and Grant at a seminar hosted by Salve Regina University, I found that getting training in paranormal research was harder than I thought it would be. TAPS provides classes in Rhode Island at a decent price for those who wish to attend them. However, being a college student I did not find that this helped me very much. I do not have the time to add another class on another campus for any hobby, no matter how much I love it.
Upon further research, I found another paranormal investigation research group in Rhode Island that is based on the same idea. The group is called Haunted! Paranormal and was founded by Brian Bell (who previously guest-starred on TAPS) and John Gomes in September ’06. The interview process was a bit intimidating, but I ended up joining and became a permanent member of the team in February. This group is now my second family. However, as a professional paranormal research group, Haunted! Paranormal bases their research on their wish to find the truth.
As Brian Bell explains, “Being ghost hunters do not always mean getting a good ghost video, or seeing phantoms walk by us. Sometimes it's just comforting people that don't understand the supernatural, and are afraid. That is what we study, and that is the true essence of paranormal research.” Based in Warren, R.I., the group uses cameras, audio recorders, EMF meters, infrared thermometers, video recording and DVR to document their findings. As for professionalism, the group revolves around the idea that first impressions are lasting impressions. There are standards to meet when it comes to etiquette, teamwork and dressing appropriately.
When it comes to investigations, Haunted! Paranormal works to eliminate any logical explanations for what is being reported. It is quite common that what someone perceives to be paranormal is actually something else. Before any investigation starts, there is an interview process, along with historical research on the property and former owners. In addition to personal cases and clients, the group goes on field trips once a month to areas in the New England region that claim to be haunted. Previous investigations include the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast, Gillary’s Tavern, and Route 102.
Haunted! Paranormal is an intentionally small paranormal research investigation team, but is currently looking for new members. For more information on current investigations, or if you are interested in joining, look up Haunted! Paranormal on Facebook, or visit www.hauntedparanormal.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

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