Haunted Fire Station 55

Haunted Fire Station 55
August 5, 2010
Audrey Asistio

Butte County firefighters at Fire Station-55 in bangor are getting rid of the old and making way for the new. Construction workers just finished demolishing the more than 60 year old fire station and will begin constructing a new building on the same location, Monday. But an unsolved mystery remains for firefighters who work there, will the ghost that haunts the station stay put?

Fire Captain Scott McLean told Action News, "It is, it's not a maybe, it is haunted. The ghost is very applicable. Don't know if it is a male or female or what caused it to do what it does, but we get along."

McLean says the haunting has been going on since the early 50's.

"Usually at night time things will be moved, we hear certain noises in the middle of the night that aren't coherent with as far as the building creaking or anything of that nature. It does make its presence known. Its common feed is to sit on somebody's chest and you're unable to move for a couple minutes," said McLean

Mclean says the ghost does not scare them but it does have a tendancy to get in their way once in a while. And with the new building underway, some suggest construction workers may also experience some paranormal activity.

McLean said, "The ghost will come with us, it's a given. We're not worried about it."

Some firefighters believe the ghost may be a miner from the gold mining era. As for the fire station, construction will be complete in about six months.
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