Haunted Iowa City: A Tour Map & Information

Haunted Iowa City: A Tour Map & Information

1: The Mill, a place where Iowa Citians have raised spirits for many years.

2: The Hall Mall, home of George the Ghost & Moon Mystique (catering to paranormal & unusual interests).

3: Old Capital, where restless legislators still roam.

4: Currier Hall, site of the supposed triple suicide & haunted dorm room.

5: EC Mabie Theatre, the spectral EC still watches student productions. (Behind Currier Hall, across river.)

6: 319 E. Bloomington, AW Insurance, home of Maude the Ghost.

7: 507 N. Linn St., former home of table-tapping cemetery sleeping youths.

8: 228 Brown St., The Alamo, once very haunted!

9: 327 Brown St. a hair pulling ghost lived here.

10: The Gaslight Village, filled with ghostly stories.

11: Hickory Hill Park, Iowa City's Pest Houses.

12: Oakland Cemetery, home of the Black Angel.

Other haunted or weird locations:

A: 113 E. Prentiss Street, much weirdness there (one block south of # shown on map).

B: 906 E. College, The Alpha Phi House, exploding gumball machines and ghostly drafts.

C: The Apartment of Katherine S., 200 Block, E. Jefferson St.

D: 207 Myrtle Avenue (across the river)

E: The Beta House, where a suicide victim returns from the dead to party down. Beta Theta Pi House, 816 N. Dubuque St.

F: The House on Edgewater Drive, Coralville
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