Haunted Pub Crawl

Haunted Pub Crawl

The Black Cat Shoppe
11 Market Street
Wilmington, NC

Prepare Yeself For A Party Alike No Other!â„¢

Hoist a pint or three inside the bowels of old Wilmington's most actively haunted pubs. Hear eerie tales that will both shiver ye

timbers & make ye laugh so hard ye'll swab the decks. From the disreputable obsession of the merry wench Gallus Meg to the

barbarous haunts of a notorious madman, ye'll be beggin' to be keelhauled before it's all over.

Heed Thy Advice!

Aargh! This unique 2.5-hour adventure is closed to ye cabin boys & girls so in order to touch this booty ye must be 21 or older

& prove it. The Captain will trim ye sheets at 7:15 PM & voyage to up to five haunted pubs, depending on the strength of

ye landlubbers sea-legs after the first four. Due to death, disease & bouts of jolly roger laughter this tour is not recommended

for the weak of heart, mind, liver or kidney, however, catheter devices, bladder buddies & absorbent undergarments are always

welcome. Limited crew size means the decks fill quickly & once full, tours are closed off - so make ye reservations early!

Attention, Ye Barge Rats

Ye must purchase ye tickets in advance, either online or at

The Black Cat Shoppe

11 Market Street

In historic downtown Wilmington (910-251-6663)

Please Note: Cash Tickets Are No Longer Available At The Start Of The Crawl!

Advance Purchase Tickets Are Required!

Ye Must Be 21 Or Older To Touch This Booty!â„¢

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