Hauntings in the Heartland - KC Paranormal webisodes debut with an amazing first outing
Hauntings in the Heartland - KC Paranormal webisodes debut with an amazing first outing
August 14,2009
Wendy Garrett
For those who are interested in why anyone would call a paranormal group to validate their haunted house experience, this case, also documented on a webisode, is a good example.
Even though the house was scheduled for demolition, one of the family members needed closure. That required an outside source who might determine the validity as to whether, what those who lived in the house had no doubt about: The house was haunted. The group was found. The next question: Would the house cooperate and perform? I am one of those charged with the task of making the assessment.
The house looked very innocuous and non-threatening. One would not have been able to guess the dark nature of the stories attached to the place.
Situated on a quiet street, in a small Midwestern town, it stood silent. Vacant and neglected, the plastic coverings flapped in the breeze. Some had torn loose from the windows. Other windows had long been broken out. The human occupants, for whatever reason, left behind several large, disorganized piles of unwanted belongings. Even so, some of the books and toys in the mix looked in good enough shape that they could have been salvaged for resale if a person wanted to reclaim them.
I never know how these events are going to go... All I do is accept the invitation, listen to my guides and see what develops. Sometimes, the cry for help is just a bit louder. Whether the situation can be resolved on this plane is not up to me. Most of what I do is personal and really can’t be shown on film. It also varies with each case.
But the overview I can provide. My job is to intuit a way to work with the energy of the space to open a metaphysical window that can allow the light to shine in and go where it is needed. The result will be what is best at that time, whether or not I can see it.
I also have help from my partner. Andy and I are introduced in the video. We work together. He offers a metaphysical counterbalance to what I do and allows me to dig deeper for the spiritual tools and assistance I may need to keep my focus.
Here is the first of two KC Paranormal webisodes documenting the case. James Presnell and Bill Joeckel are showcased. They detail what the goal of the investigation is and interview some of the former residents of the house.
I'll update when the second part of the show is ready. I thank the family for sharing their information in regard to the years they spent living in an actively haunted house and those who are working to explore and understand these types of paranormal/metaphysical events.
For any who undergo such an intense paranormal encounter it is like someone driving a solid gold, rainbow-filled dump truck through your reality. Sometimes it runs smack into you. Other times, you barley catch a glimpse in passing. Reality shifts, effectively altering the perspective toward each subsequent life event. Believe it or not.
Upcoming: How to sell a haunted house. A brilliant marketing effort from a very creative and motivated seller.
More info:
KC Paranormal.net
Elite Paranormal of KC
