Historic UFO incident at Edwards AFB 45 years ago on October 7, 1965
Historic UFO incident at Edwards AFB 45 years ago on October 7, 1965
October 7, 2010
by Cherlyn Gardner Strong
Today, October 7th, is the anniversary of a landmark UFO incident.
In 1965, at Edwards Air Force Base near Palmdale, CA, up to 12 UFOs were spotted by military personnel. The event took place over a five hour period, documented with at least forty hours of communications audio recordings. Of those, six hours of audio were declassified and released to the public.
Those who are not familiar with the incident can read this segment of a memo from NICAP below, then follow a link to NICAP’s website to further study the incident.
On the NICAP webpage is a transcription of the audio recordings. The transcription includes MP3 audio between segments of text should you wish to listen to the actual audio:
Partial text from NICAP.org
Form: 97NCP
Date: 5 Feb 2006, Updated 26 Feb 2008
From: Francis Ridge, Coordinator
Cat: 10
Distribution: NCP, CE, SHG, Media
Subject: UFO Alert at Edwards Air Force Base, California October 7, 1965
Up to twelve luminous UFOs flew over this secure test facility and the region, and at least one F-106A interceptor was scrambled from George AFB at Victorville. All of this action was captured on classified U.S. Air Force audio tapes which have now been declassified and are available to the public along with official documentation.The question in my mind is, what was going on during those 3-4 hours we don’t know about? If we were allowed to hear only 6 hours of 40, and read only 17 pages of hard-to-read documents, what is it we were NOT allowed to hear and see? The documents we have make it clear that by the time Alpha Lima Zero One was scrambled at at 1209Z or 5:09 PM PDT, “the activity was just about over.â€
Major Struble from an outfit known as LAADS (Los Angeles Air Defense Sector), a division of ARADCOM (Army Air Defense Command) authorized the making of these recordings of voice transmissions made by military personnel to and from Edwards Air Force Base- from base to base communications, phone patches, ground to air radio & tower to air radio. These recordings archived the conversations which documented this event of UFO visitation of a highly secure military base. The audio recordings were made on an extra track of large reels of radar data tapes, which were running all the time in the case of an accident and the need to review the radar tracks.
NOTE: Click on the link on the website to read more and examine evidence.
