Hotel Monteleone
Hotel Monteleone
214 Rue Royale
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-2201
Phone: (504) 523-3341
Toll Free: (800) 535-9595
Many people who come to Hotel Monteleone don't want to leave. Some never do. Generations of hotel guests and staff have regularly experienced events that would cause even the staunchest skeptic to take pause. A restaurant door that opens almost every evening and then closes again, even though it is locked. An elevator that stops on the wrong floor, leading a curious couple down a hallway that grows chilly and reveals the ghostly images of children playing.
In March 2003, the International Society of Paranormal Research spent several days investigating Hotel Monteleone. While at the hotel, the team made contact with more than a dozen earthbound entities. Among them were several former employees, a man named William Wildemere who died inside the hotel of natural causes, and a boy who was much older when he died but enjoys returning to Hotel Monteleone as a 10-year-old to play hide-and-seek with another young spirit.
