Investigators confirm paranormal activity at eatery
Investigators confirm paranormal activity at eatery
February 25, 2010
Port Clinton NewsHerald
PORT CLINTON — Every evening, Bobby Molnar saw a man briefly materialize in the kitchen at Phil’s Inn.
The apparition was hazy and appeared to be only from the waist up, and Molnar said he appeared to be wearing a plaid shirt. The man would walk from one doorway to another in the 62-year-old restaurant.
“It happened like once or twice a day,†said Molnar, a Monroeville resident who grew up in Port Clinton. “I’d go back there, but I’d never see anybody back there. It was frustrating.â€
Eventually, Molnar learned other employees often saw the same man. And he wasn’t the only unusual thing they experienced.
At night when Molnar and another employee were closing the restaurant, they usually turned the radio on. It would inexplicably turn off and on or change stations.
Other employees reported feeling someone poke them in the side when they were putting items up on shelves.
“You just felt like somebody was watching you all the time,†he said.
Molnar decided to bring Weston Paranormal, a ghosting hunting group in which he is an investigator, to the restaurant for an investigation into what or who lurked in the kitchen. Weston Paranormal is based in Weston, a village in Wood county.
And what the investigators found during a recent evening at the restaurant indicated that the employees aren’t just seeing things.
“We believe that there’s some kind of paranormal activity going on there,†said Chad Deuble of Weston, who founded Weston Paranormal in 2008. “We want to do a further investigation there again another time.â€
Using night-vision cameras, a digital voice recorder and other equipment, they moved through the restaurant trying to contact possible spirits. Using electronic voice phenomena, they picked up four voices in the restaurant, Deuble said.
EVPs are found by using a digital voice recorder to pick up frequencies that cannot be heard with one’s own ears, he said. Spirit voices sometimes are heard through EVPS when investigators review them after an investigation, he said.
“At the time, we weren’t aware we caught anything,†he said.
One of the voices said “hey,†he said. While the investigators were recording, they heard a noise, and they asked if a ghost had made the noise.
“His response was, ‘Uh-huh,’†Dueble said.
During their investigation, Weston Paranormal members felt many cold spots, especially in the kitchen area where Molnar and other employees had seen the apparition of the man.
“(The cold spots) seemed to be moving,†Dueble said. “We couldn’t find a draft or anything like that.â€
Molnar said Phil’s Inn co-owner Amy Magi, who was not available for comment, suggested to the group the presence might be one of her family members who helped run the business.
The place where Molnar saw the man materialize is in an area that used to be an office, he said.
“They’re not there to harm anybody,†he said. “I think they’re just there to watch over the restaurant.â€
