Knowing the Future: CIA, 9/11, UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Presence Part Seven
Knowing the Future: CIA, 9/11, UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Presence Part Seven
May 5, 2009
Gary S. Bekkum
American Chronicle
Call it the "Weird Science of National Insecurity."
According to official records released by the CIA, it's been going on since 1953.
According to the legend, it all started in the summer of 1947.
Whispered alongside concerns about new Chinese offensive capabilities against the US Pacific Fleet -- missile "bomblets" for which the US Navy has no existing deterrent -- is the "phenomenology problem."
In keeping with the times, this particular problem of "high strangeness" appears to have been outsourced by the intelligence community.
Recently I obtained proof of sorts from an open study issued by the highest intelligence authority in the land: the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the elite advisory group known as JASON, commissioned by Dr. Ronald (Ron) Pandolfi.
And if some of my sources, both inside and outside of government, are to be believed, it always comes back to the UFO issue.
The question remains: are the UFOs from "out there" or is there a more earthly explanation involving the intelligence community and deep black covert military cover stories?
Working the darkness with "deep throat" contacts unwilling to go on the record, and open source contacts chosen as "useful idiots" protected by "plausible deniability," has driven many investigative journalists near the border of madness.
Most days it comes down to juggling a handful of spies, lies, and a tale of polygraph tape.
Nearly twenty years ago, veteran journalist Howard Blum, formerly with the New York Times, summed it up in his book OUT THERE:
"I had worked my way through dozens of official barriers, documented previously undisclosed levels of government interest and involvement in the search for extraterrestrial life, only to find that one more tormenting question remained. This last, hard secret was impenetrable. Why was the government so committed, so conspiratorially determined, to perpetuate the mystery surrounding its fascination with other worlds? Why was the government not telling us everything?"
Like Howard, my own efforts lead me to believe there was something more: a presence, an agenda, lurking in the darkness before me.
Entering the unknown chamber of covert intentions can be occasionally rewarding.
There are sources willing to speak, in private, and strictly off the record. They point to the darkness ahead and tell you "go this way."
The more you penetrate into the black, the more you risk falling over the edge from a runaway imagination and deliberate misdirection.
It's all part of the spy games being played in the UFO community.
I was fortunate enough to eventually obtain a small bit of confirmation, thanks to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and a civilian source who claims to have an inside connection.
Dan Smith is the eccentric son of an economic advisor to the Eisenhower administration.
Over the last several years, Smith has been more forthcoming about information he receives from contacts working for the US government Intelligence Community.
When Smith, who maintains a personal friendship with Ron Pandolfi, the oft-rumored real-life "Fox Muldar" of the CIA's infamous "weird desk," emailed concerning an investigation of government consultants, American fringe researchers, Chinese scientists, and the UFO physics of "high frequency gravity waves," I took notes with the intention of following up at a later date.
Some of the "usual suspects" -- intelligence agency veterans who regularly expose themselves on line -- reacted with the stroke of a keyboard concerning the new allegations.
One gentleman responded:
"...publicly accusing a person with seven current contracts with the Intelligence Community, four classified...with a distinguished career in Intelligence to boot, and who is the current Chair of the Science Board for the Undersecretary of Defense for Chem/Nuclear/Biological being in the pay of a Foreign Power who is wittingly passing them classified material..."
It all did seem to revolve around the Chinese connection.
Not knowing exactly where to go with this developing line of spy talk, I eventually succumbed to the necessity of ambiguity and added a twist by wrapping the tale with titles borrowed from films by Alfred Hitchcock.
In the fall of 2007, American Chronicle published the story as "Inside the Spy Game with the Man Who Knew Too Much."
This story and additional background material are available at the website.]
I wrote:
"Smith's allegation (that a meeting with physicist Robert Park, arranged by Smith at the request of a Senior Intelligence Official at the DIA, who reports to the Director of National Intelligence) was about potential misuse of government resources for research into high-frequency gravity waves."
Rumors continued to reach me concerning the alleged "Chinese connection" and UFO physics.
One source, a journalist in the field of innovative propulsion technology, confessed that military intelligence had solicited his services to spy on foreign researchers and produce articles that fit their covert requirements.
He made note that a lack of willful imagination in the United States had dried up funding for risky science. China offered a potential oasis for the parched researcher in need of funds.
He called this overture to the Chinese "potentially treasonous."
Long before I learned about the "Chinese connection," Smith announced that his friend Pandolfi, the CIA's "X-files" keeper of the weird, had moved up in the world.
According to a 2005 video interview of Smith hosted by alternative physics author Fred Alan Wolf, Pandolfi left the CIA angry over senior CIA rejection of a National Intelligence Estimate that stated there were "no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" prior to the US lead invasion.
Recently Smith also suggested that Israeli intelligence may have co-opted the so-called Bible Code -- apocalyptic encrypted messages of impending nuclear conflict -- to influence the George W. Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq.
In the 1990s Pandolfi had been called before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to testify about the transfer of technology expertise to the Chinese by American defense contractors.
Several major newspapers carried the story, including the New York Times.
Although the names of CIA employees are not recorded in the public record of the SSCI hearing, Pandolfi was "outed" by the mainstream media and in subsequent Congressional Research Reports.
According to Smith, his friend was now running MASINT, a highly technical form of intelligence on the front stage of the war on terror.
During the interview, filled with tall tales of an extraterrestrial visitation "core story," Smith explained that Pandolfi had left CIA and was working for the new Office of the Director of National Intelligence under the command of John Negroponte.
Other items reinforced Smith's claims, including messages bearing Pandolfi's Defense Intelligence Agency email address.
As with most of the rumors passed about the UFO community, and in spite of the numerous sources who had taken one small footstep into the light, actual confirmation seemed to remain firmly within Pandolfi's grasp.
When Pandolfi asked that certain information be redacted from one of my articles, he cited protection of "sources and methods."
The mainstream media overlooked the fact that this very high ranking senior intelligence official had been openly conducting intelligence-related activities on the Internet.
The UFO physics of high frequency gravity waves, the Chinese connection, and a possible case of international espionage concealed inside the UFO "core story" were the proverbial tips of the iceberg.
In the fall of 2008, one year after I ran with the "Man Who Knew Too Much," to tell the public about fringe science and the I.C., the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued the sanitized version of the High Frequency Gravity Wave Study.
"JASON was asked by staff at the National MASINT Committee of ODNI to evaluate the scientific, technological, and national security significance of high frequency gravitational waves (HFGW).
The subject of High Frequency Gravitational Waves (HFGW) has attracted considerable interest in the US government over the last few years.
"We are especially grateful to Ronald Pandolfi and Mark Pesses of ODNI for their continued help in arranging briefers and documentation."
My own "considerable interest," which had originated with Mr. Smith's observations, had been confirmed in an "official document," less the "classified portion" which I suspected would include information about the Chinese connection.
I wondered how much more could be learned from Smith's cryptic references to his friend?
