Lucille Ball, UFOs and ghosts
Lucille Ball, UFOs and ghosts
August 7, 2011
Cheryl Gardner Strong
Paranormal Old Pueblo
Yesterday, August 6th, would have been Lucille Ball’s 100th birthday. She died on April 26, 1989 at the age of 77.
During her life, the red-haired comedienne and actress was associated with a number of unusual tales. Ball told Dick Cavett in an interview in 1974 that she once picked up communications between Japanese spies through the fillings in her teeth.
She said she had been traveling home from the television studio and heard what she thought was “tapping.†She stated that “as I backed up it got stronger. The next morning, I reported it to the authorities and upon investigation, they found a Japanese radio transmitter that had been buried and was actively transmitting codes back to the Japanese.â€
Television’s Mythbusters would later debunk her claim.
Then, there was the story about a UFO. Lucille Ball was among a few people to hear, first-hand, a claim of a UFO encounter made by Ronald and Nancy Reagan. She explained:
“…One night we went to Bill Holden’s for dinner, and it was fun at first, but we couldn’t eat until two of the other guests arrived, and they were almost an hour late. The tardy two were Ron and Nancy Reagan. Desi had time for a few extra cocktails, and was sailing by the time the Reagans arrived. They were all out of breath and so excited and said they couldn’t help being late because of what happened. Are you ready? They saw a UFO and stopped to watch it. After he was elected president, I kept wondering if he’d have still won if he told everybody he’d seen a flying saucer.†-From the book, Lucy in the Afternoon
In life, it doesn’t appear that Ball was a very big believer in UFOs and the paranormal.
Yet, there is a paranormal connection involving Lucille Ball that began circulating following her death.
After Lucille Ball died, numerous reports surfaced that Ball’s presence was very much active in her former Beverly Hills home on Roxbury Drive. The owners of that home reported broken windows, loud voices from an empty attic and objects mysteriously moving around the home.
