MUFON Star Impact Project UFO cases revealed
MUFON Star Impact Project UFO cases revealed
August 7, 2009
Roger Marsh
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) has listed cases it is currently investigating as part of the STAR Impact Project (SIP), according to the recently released July 2009 MUFON Journal.
The SIP program is funded by Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) where MUFON is subcontracted to gather and report back on the UFO phenonema. The SIP team has been operational since April 2009.
STAR stands for Strike Team Area Research.
A Dispatch Team works around the clock now to monitor cases as they come into MUFON case management system from the public.
As more information is available on each of these cases, a story will be produced here.
The SIP deployed cases for May include:
MUFON Case # 16421. Location: Scammon, Kansas. Investigator: Debbie Ziegelmeyer. Date of event: April 4, 2009. UFO Examiner original story. The witnesses in this case are a mother and her 17-year-old son. (Sorry: we originally reported it here as a father and son.) At 1:23 a.m. they were pulling out of their driveway and "a huge bright light came up above the tree line to our north." The large orange light above the trees was so bright that they could not make out the shape. They attempted to drive near it, but it moved away. They described the object as "a huge mobile home in the sky with the back of it having large bright orange lights brighter than any light I have ever seen." One photo was taken on their cell phone, although the witnesses said the object was much closer than it appears on the photo.
MUFON Case # 16539. Location: Pasadena, Maryland. Investigator: Norm Gagnon. Date of event: April 16, 2009. UFO Examiner original story. UFO Examiner follow-up story. A man was awoken at 3 a.m. to the sound of what he thought was a street sweeper. The sound was described as "a very dull humming like a electrical transformer." Looking out a window, the witness said he "could make out this very seemingly large shadow or just black diamond boomarang shape looking thing drifting over the tree line and the humming." There were no visible lights.
MUFON Case # 16720. Location: Phoenix, Arizona. Investigator: Charles Modlin, Vicki LeBlanc. Date of event: April 28, 2009, at approximately 10 p.m. MUFON Case # 16721. Location: Glendale, Arizona. Investigator: Charles Modlin, Vicki LeBlanc. Date of event: April 28. MUFON Case # 16726. Location: Marana, Arizona. Investigators: Charles Modin, Vicki LeBlanc. Date of event: April 28, 2009. UFO Examiner original story for these three cases. Three Arizona stories. Same day. Same region. Two witnesses watched large, amber-colored lights - one followed the lights in his truck and saw them touching ground. A third witness described three white strobe lights forming a triangle - the size of a football field - moving toward a major airport.
MUFON Case # 16814 and MUFON Case # 17097. Location: Marathon, Texas, Brewster County. Investigator: Jeremy Ray. Date of event: April 22, 2009, about noon. UFO Examiner original story. Two Texas witnesses were driving when a light moved through the car near Marathon.
MUFON Case # 16818 and MUFON Case # 16819. Location: Fallon, Nevada. Investigator: Christine Dickey and Paul Dickey. Date of event: May 7, 2009, about 9:30 p.m. UFO Examiner original story. These two cases involve a couple who witnessed boomerang-shaped UFOs. They were driving in the desert when they noticed three objects in the sky in a formation, and one of those objects moved to ground level and disappeared while the other two continued. They gave chase and eventually parked their car and shone a spotlight on one of the crafts as it silently hovered nearby.
MUFON Case # 17163. Location: Bowling Green, Kentucky, Warren County. Investigator: Barry Guant. Date of event: May 26, 2009. A woman opened her back door to let the cats in when she noticed a very bright object in the sky that was changing shapes and shooting light out from itself at various points.
MUFON Case # 17125. Location: Buffalo, Oklahoma. Investigator: David MacDonald. Date of event: May 18, 2009. UFO Examiner original story. An Oklahoma witness feeding horses at a remote ranch first noticed very low and slow moving lights approaching. The witness noticed distinct detail to the lights, but could not make out a shape of the object - and then it appeared that the craft was slowing down completely - reaching a nearby dirt road and crossing over some power lines. The witness ran from this coral area to a nearby pick-up truck - and looking back at the lights - estimated that they were about 150 feet away and had stopped completely and were hovering. The object looked like a single craft and was somewhere between 25 and 50 feet across.
