Michael Cohen: Government UFO secrets revealed
Michael Cohen: Government UFO secrets revealed
30 May 2009
All News Web
have been researching the UFO phenomenon for around four years although lately it has become something of an obsession. Lately I have been doing a fair amount of radio interviews on the topic concentrating specifically on what I know and have discovered. I thought writing an article outlining my findings for All News Web readers might be a good idea.
Firstly I would like to briefly talk about where I get my information.
Basically the UFO cover-up isn’t what it used to be. Have you ever noticed the way every second scientist that ceases to work at NASA comes out admitting that the organisation is covering up knowledge of UFOs yet the organisation itself ‘knows nothing’ ? The UFO cover-up is an ‘in-joke’ at NASA and other government departments studying the phenomenon. Everyone working there on a scientific level is well aware that UFOs exist but also understands that the official line is ‘we know nothing’.
These days if you are willing to take the time to develop contacts with such organisations you will get the information you want. The agents of the ‘Cover-up’ have come a long way in the last few decades and have come to realise that as long as Barack Obama doesn’t get on TV and say ‘We are not alone’ they have little to worry about.
All News Web constantly receives emails from various government departments asking for further information on the various sightings we report worldwide. One story we published received no less than fifteen emails from various Government departments around the world. Often we are also given information regarding UFOs by the parties who send us such emails
My information comes largely from such emails and a good few senior-level informants within such relevant departments.
So here is what I know:
Unmanned surveillance discs that are about a meter in diameter are travelling to earth using some kind of vortex or set trajectory. The exit of this vortex moves around earth from time to time but currently appears to be located somewhere in Brazil’s mountainous district behind the city of Fortaleza.
These small silver discs are coming from a civilization located in another galaxy, they essentially function like web-bots using artificial intelligence to move around and survey our planet. They have no particular interest in planet earth and are conducting such surveys of thousands if not millions of planets. Governments around the world, from the US to China, are well aware of these discs and are studying them intensely.
The discs use earthly energy sources such as electrical lines to stay afloat, essentially electro-magnetically ‘surfing’ the planet. The discs also use cloaking technology to stay invisible but this sometimes fails in the event of electrical interference. The discs often show up in photos, particularly digital ones, and this is of great interest to governments (one of the questions we are often asked by government agencies is what type of camera a witness was using when they accidently captured a UFO image).
The discs communicate and send out messages which are currently being deciphered by various Pentagon/NASA think-tanks. These messages can be picked up by receiver equipment mounted on aircraft that ‘chase’ the discs.
The messages contained have been deciphered to some extent……………
Last week I published this article summing up the current extent of government knowledge of UFOs, UFO visitations and extraterrestrials. I briefly mentioned that surveillance discs (UFO) originating from a civilization probably based in another galaxy are visiting earth. I also mentioned that these discs are transmitting some sort of message specifically designed to inform the inhabitants of this planet and possibly others as well about the universe and its various inhabitants.
I don’t purport to be entirely clear on the technical details relating to this topic and to the best of my knowledge no government department is certain of the content of the messages.
From what I understand these audible messages can be picked up with fairly standard electronic equipment mounted on aircraft. The messages are a complex series of pulses that seem to be an attempt to use basic numeric and linguistic principles that might be deciphered by any intelligent technological civilization.
Enormous effort has been made to decipher these UFO messages with some apparent success. In the US much of this effort centres around NASA’s Ames Research division. All concepts and ideas deciphered are to some degree speculative but many researchers are in agreement of the basics.
Here is some of what the UFO messages tell us:
The alien race surveying earth is based in the neighbouring Andromeda Galaxy.
They might be of similar proportions to humans and might even be related to us. They have two arms, legs, head, and two eyes. It is unknown if they have separate sexes.
They are able to achieve faster than light travel.
Their technology is about two thousand years ahead of ours at our current rate of development.
The universe teems with life and even intelligent life. What it does not teem with is highly developed technologies well beyond current human technology, although by earth standards there are a fair few of these given the vastness of the universe.
Amongst those researching this topic the term ‘Bio-cosmic equation’ is used to describe ratios of, for instance, how many planets contain vegetation for every that holds animals. It is believed that for every ten thousand civilizations that reach our current level of development only one makes it through to the next level of advancement.
One highly advanced life-form or being has ‘life-or-death’ power over the universe or perhaps even created the universe. The race that is contacting us is a step or two beyond our level but nowhere near the top of the tree. Nevertheless their understanding of the universe is infinitely greater than ours.
Another term often used is ‘Cosmic capitalism’ which describes the way in which we are part of a universal struggle for survival or ‘rat race’ we aren’t even aware of.
Evolution occurs throughout the universe although it is assumed life can be created by advanced civilizations as well.
Some sort of universal rule exists whereby it is understood that various civilizations only make contact with civilizations ‘one-level’ below theirs, it is also speculated that in fact one can only perceive civilizations a threshold above their own.
The response to my last article was enormous and some expressed doubt regarding these claims, however many who have acquaintances that are privy to knowledge on ETs (For instance some ex-employees of NASA, The US Air Force or the Pentagon) will find that much of what is written here adds up to snippets of information they might have heard. If you are in doubt of any of this just ask any high level NASA scientist about the term ‘Cosmic capitalism’ and wait for the reaction.
A few discs have been recovered…..
he response to the last two instalments of this series of articles revealing the truth about the UFO phenomenon has been enormous and I have received many questions by email. Many readers have asked if any of these UFOs or discs have been recovered. The simple answer is yes. A number of ‘crashed’ discs have been recovered.
A few discs have been retrieved in remote areas in Brazil and Argentina and a few in remote parts of Asia. It appears the most likely region and time for a crash to occur is at the initial stages of release from the set trajectory and first moments of free flight within our atmosphere. It is also believed that most crashes are neither found nor reported at all.
It appears that the civilization visiting us has faster than light technology but this isn’t entirely safe. In the inner-sanctum of UFO research something known as the ‘lifespan versus risk’ principle has been speculated on. That is, the longer a species is able to extend its members lifespan the less they are willing to take risks.
The key point is that when these discs impact with earth their remains are entirely unremarkable. To the human eye they seem little more than ‘flying saucer’ shaped moulds. They consist of ultra-light foam like substance covered or plated with a super-thin aluminium-foil like coating. This coating melts off the discs at normal temperatures only to harden again eventually. All one finds at a UFO crash site are many pieces of the foam like material and metallic dust. On closer inspection the foam is, as you might have guessed, a maze of circuitry too detailed for scientists to really make sense of.
It is speculated that some sort of nerve centre exits within the discs but none has ever been found and it is believed the central control might not be of a concrete physical nature. It is also believed that the discs are charged prior to their journey and carry no energy source of their own. They use some form of micro-gravity type technology that renders them weightless.
This underpins the reality of the disclosure issue. What governments know is way less glamorous than many would like you to believe. The reality is that the type of information proponents of the Roswell and Betty and Barney Hill style fairytales claim to think governments have could never be kept secret. So the absurdity snowballs with more ludicrous theories being dragged out to explain an impossible cover-up.
As a reader correctly noted, one would merely need to offer a ‘cover-up’ insider a million dollars to sprint with their pictures of a Grey enjoying a beer and cigar with President Eisenhower to a nearby university to end the cover-up. Possession of real alien bodies is something that so many people could never really keep secret. Much of the paranoid fantasies regarding MIBs relates to cold war secrecy and military secret operations and are true to that extent.
In conclusion, governments are not covering up what they know but what they don’t know. Disclosure would reveal masses of boring documents, the same photos hazy discs one sees on the internet and speculative interpretations of very generic messages that once one rejects the ridiculous notion that only earth harbours life are simply common sense.
Finally disclosure would reveal some visually unremarkable bits of foam and some metal dust. There might be a reconstructed model of a disc floating around as well. Beyond that disclosure would involve the government declaring that 'We are not alone' and conceding that they are as much in the dark about it as the rest of the population: something governments don't like doing. Which is why there is no disclosure.
To be continued.
