More ghosts in the Valley? Why 1 city is getting attentio
More ghosts in the Valley? Why 1 city is getting attentio
Reported by Christopher Sign
EMPE, AZ -- The unknown is attracting more and more paranormal investigators to one corner of the Valley these days.
Whether you believe in ghosts, spirits, or an alternate universe, what many are reportedly experiencing in Tempe may send goose bumps down your spine.
Some well known businesses in the heart of the city are actually paranormal hot spots.
"Do we have energy and aspects of ghosts out here? Well, yes," said Paranormal Investigator Lindsay Brown.
Have you ever been in the second floor dining room at Casey Moore’s Oyster House in Tempe? One corner of the dining room is said to be the exact location of a murder. The victim is known to appear often, letting her presence be known.
“She was killed right here, her bed was right in front of this window and many people have seen her walking past the window and even jiggling the door handles up here,†said Brown.
Employees are first to back up the spooky claims, but there are other well known Tempe restaurants feeling the same eerie presence.
"It just happened a couple of weeks ago," said Casey Moore's employee David Schliefer. "There were two of us, we heard footsteps upstairs and I thought somebody was going into the office with a set of keys then I came up the stairs and there was nobody here."
People have reportedly seen shadows passing back and forth through the window where the woman's bed once stood.
"You could be driving by and see somebody walking around up here through these windows," said Brown while sitting in the upstairs dining room at Casey Moore's.
Brown says there are several other buildings in Tempe where people have reported paranormal activity.
"There's Monti's Restaurant downtown here, I'm also looking into the Rula Bula Irish Bar, it's been said to be haunted," said Brown.
He says the office space above Caffe Boa has reportedly experienced paranormal activity.
"That was the first hotel in Tempe," said Brown. "When it was an apartment complex in the 1970s there were two murders there."
According to a Tempe City spokesperson, a group of amateur paranormal investigators are set to look into the Eisendrath House.
Decades ago, according to Tempe spokesperson Kris Baxter-Ging, the owner of the home slipped and hit her head and then fell into the pool where she died.
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