Murder, mayhem and the paranormal in Music World
Murder, mayhem and the paranormal in Music World
June 16, 2009
Vince Wilson
I paid my second visit to Kentucky this year last week. Ten hours from Baltimore and a world away. The last time I was here was a visit to Louisville and the notorious Waverly Hill Sanatorium. This time I was visiting the site of murder, Satan worshiping and hauntings.
Bobby Mackey's Music World is a haunted place I have been familiar with since before I been investigating the paranormal. It has been featured in innumerable television shows and articles. Many of these sources focus on the ghosts. Some focus on the murders.
A murder of infamy
Pearl Bryan (pictured right) was only 22 years-old when she met her horrific end. On February 1, 1896 Pearl told her parents she was going to Indianapolis. In fact she was actually meeting her fiance Scott Jackson, a young dental student, in Cincinnati. Pearl was pregnant and was attempting to get an abortion with the help of Scott and his roommate Alonzo Walling. Too bad Scott had no medical training when it came to that end of the human body! When cocaine didn't work and sticking dental instruments into her failed too, they decided the only course to take next was murder.
On the site where Mackey's now stands was a slaughterhouse. Abandoned by the time of pearl's murder, the property was used by Satanic occultists for bizarre rituals and sacrifices. Some reports suggest that Scott Jackson was a practicing member of this group. Jackson cut of Pearl's head with the help of his roommate and another friend William Wood, who had introduced Scott to Pearl. The three decapitated Pearl while she was still alive and dismembered her. They then hid the parts in the local sewers. Only her head was never recovered after police discovered her other remains. It is believed the head still remains hidden on the property where Bobby Mackey's now stands. Fearing the wrath of Satan himself, Jackson and Walling never revealed the location of Pearl's head.
Line dancing at the entrance to Hell
In 1978 popular country music personality Bobby Mackey bought the property that for years was a tavern and casino and then a Latin dance club. Cincinnati gangsters were said to have murdered several persons there in the 30's and 40's. During the time it was a Latin club, a singer named Johanna committed suicide there. Mr. Mackey would soon learn that the past really can haunt the present.
For years employees of the famous country western bar reported unexplained noises and the occasional apparition. in 1994 a customer tried to sue Bobby Mackey's after he claimed a ghost in a cowboy hat attacked him a restroom.
I was joined by my friend and BSPR colleague John Wisniewski, friends Julia and Mandi and Michele N., Michele H. and Grace C. from The Dark Can See. During the course of the evening we heard voices, caught EVP (it sounded like female "hey, hey" in sort of sing-song voice) and music playing from nowhere. Around midnight I got a little overheated and needed to take a break while the others continued to investigate. We took pictures all over and I got to stand in the well where many people believe Pearl's head resides. I even got to stand in it, what is now referred to as the Hell-gate. Around one o'clock AM we bid farewell to our host Donna Raymond and left with fond memories of the horrors of Wilder, Kentucky's past.
UPDATE: After careful examination from The Dark Can See team, the EVP was from a poker machine upstairs. C'est la vie!
