NASA Searching for ET, UFO X Files Larry King CNN News
NASA Searching for ET, UFO X Files Larry King CNN News
August 24, 2009
Gregory Brewer
Greetings once again to our readers,
As apprehensive as we were to post this new video, we still have an obligation to provide our readers with any information related to the subject matter of UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Technology etc. The reason for our apprehension is simply based on the level of exposure to the related and overwhelming data. Though the video title indicates that NASA is looking for aliens, many of us know that NASA is fully aware of aliens and probably knows where to find a few of them without looking very far. This may be another avenue of disclosure to the public. We believe, as so many others do, that it takes more faith to disprove the existence of UFOs then it does to swallow the facts. It seems that debunker's are not grasping all that encompasses the UFO phenomena. Besides the craft there are the alien experiences that so many have had and the crop circle messages which appear in moments despite their size or complexity. There is also ancient history which depicts their existence and interaction with the human race, so its not just the strange craft that has captured the attention of thousands of people. There is far more occurring on Earth then illusions of craft flying around us. People want and need to know.
This video interview by Larry King features James Fox who will release his documentary in October of 2009, which is titled, “ I know what I sawâ€. The video is accompanied with a few short clips of UFOs giving you a taste of what’s to come.
Hope you find this entertaining.
