Nebraska man recalls over 3,000 abductions!
Nebraska man recalls over 3,000 abductions!
February 15, 9:06 PM
by Patricia Ress
ohn Foster is a soft-spoken down home kind of man who would make you think of a young Joel McCrea. He is both an engineer and abductee and his contact experiences began back in 1950 while he was in grade school. While he and his classmates at Bethany Grade School in Lincoln, NE were outside watching a movie, Foster recalled seeing an object resembling a helicopter with swirling lights appearing out of the sky. He remembered being fascinated yet feeling strange. When he looked around, everyone seemed frozen in time-looking like statues. Then he saw three little men appear and try to fix the craft which by then had landed. He had an overwhelming desire to get inside, and when he did, it was something totally different than he had seen from the outside.
Foster was then taken to an examining room by creatures that resembled frogs or lizards. One he somehow knew was a female and she told him that they were the educators who would supervise his learning experiences. Among other strange things, Foster recalled that they encouraged him to join Masonic Lodge. After being examined, Foster was sent back out of the craft to the crowd below. Another female spoke to him in a scolding tone and told him he was to be a good boy and mind his parents. She seemed to know a lot about him including the fact that he and some other boys had stolen some candy and gum from a store across the street.
For over 30 years, Foster seemed to have forgotten about his abductions until in October of 1986 when he went camping with his wife and children at Niobrara Park where he had a short visitation which awakened more memories of previous abductions. By December he had recalled at least 50 such experiences and by January that number had grown to about 3,000! When he was later introduced to a larger group of contactees, he remembered all of them from previous abductions. "Alien abduction is a terrifying and traumatic experience," Foster declared."Psychiatric counselors don't know how to deal with this-even if you can get them to believe you.I believe that UFO experiences are directed at you personally. But there are also times when they can address the population in general."
Foster said that profound things happened to him during his abductions and that the world should know about them. He said he was shown how the 'visitors' can manipulate atomic structure and change things directly at will. He was told things about scientific matters over the years that he saw come to fruition. While the entities he initially encountered looked reptilian, the spiritual guides were more human in appearance and able to phase in and out at the deeper levels. On the initial level of the abduction experience there is a kind of excitement while on the deeper level life plans emerge and there is an interaction with people who have had similar experiences.
While some people have little or no proof of who or what abducted them, Foster has carefully documented his experiences with drawings and paintings and believes he has encountered at least 13 different kinds of crafts. Some are described as 'bells' and others as 'floating telephone booths.' One frightening aspect of his experiences was that when he told the aliens he could not recall all of his abductions,they told him that if he remembered them, it would negate their purpose. Foster has been helped with the trauma of his abductions by Dr. Leo Sprinkle of the U. of Wyoming who works with abductees.
The aliens told Foster that they were a "guardian brotherhood" who had watched over mankind since antiquity. He was told he was to awaken people to the reality of other dimensions and to interact with them. When he and his wife visited several Indian reservations, he showed his drawings to them and they commented "we see things like this all the time."
