Nibiru, Annunaki, and Colliding Worlds
Nibiru, Annunaki, and Colliding Worlds
Carol Webb
Hidden Knowledge
The Annunaki Arrive
In my last post: “George W. Bush, A Very Clever Man” my idea was to bring together evidence of any extra-terrestrial involvement in the evolution of the human species.
This subject is huge, and so to make it easier for everyone to absorb both myth and hard evidence, I’m going to break it up into a number of posts. At this time I can’t answer the burning question of how the Annunaki evolved, or how they originated. If the evidence supports their existence, and it is beginning to look as if it does, we will have to wait until either a supernatural god is found, or the bio-chemists prove that atoms, gases and primordial soup could indeed have spawned life.
Zecharia Sitchin
We need to look at the life and work of a man called Zecharia Sitchin. Born in Baku, Azerbaijan in1922 he was an extremely gifted linguist able to translate tablets from ancient Hebrew, Semitic and other European languages. His studies of the Old Testament and the archaeology of the Near East, his degree in economic history from London University and an unquenchable thirst for hidden knowledge have made him a source of information to be dismissed at our peril. Although he has many detractors, which is to be expected.
The Archaeological Evidence
In 1951 Sir Austin Henry Layard, an eminent archaeologist discovered 22,000 ancient tablets in the areas once known as Mesopotamia, Sumeria and Babylon. These tablets were dated as being 6,000 years old. On translating the texts the detailed information written on them was said to be given by the Annunaki.
The Annunaki were a tall reptilian technologically advanced race who came in search of gold, Nibiru was the home planet of these people, who were called the Nephilim in the Bible. Sitchin claims they first arrived on Earth probably 450,000 years ago, looking for gold and other minerals which they found and mined in Africa.
According to Sitchin’s interpretation of Sumerian cosmology, there is a hypothetical planet which follows a long, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system roughly every 3,600 years. This planet is called Nibiru (the planet associated with Marduk in Babylonian cosmology). Nibiru collided with Tiamat, another hypothetical planet that was between Mars and Jupiter. The collision formed the planet Earth, the asteroid belt, and the comets.
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Evidence of Legend
quetzalcoatl-head.jpg Now that we have the legend established, and the evidence of Zecheria Sitchin, let’s look at what we have around the world which might substantiate these claims.
1. Japanese emperors claim decent from dragon gods who came from the sky.
2. Australian Aborigines teach of a reptilian race which lives underneath the Earth and governs over men. They believe that they are descended from a race of dragon humans.
3. China teaches the Serpent Queen Nukua interbred with men.
4. India calls these reptilian gods Nagas, claiming that they seeded their royal families.
5. Throughout the Middle East it is believed that a Serpent race created man.
6. Africa has the Chitari, children of the Serpent, from which the Royal Kings claim decent.
7. The Book of Genesis in the Bible gives us giants who came from the heavens to breed with daughters of men, calling them Nephilim.
8. South American Mayans teach that their ancestors were the people of the Serpent.
9. Aztec Quetzalcoatl was a benefactor, considered a leader among the deities. The name is a combination of quetzal a brightly colored American bird, and coatl, meaning serpent.
10. Hopi Indians believe that sky gods came to Earth to breed with their women and refer to them as their Snake Brothers, Sioux means snakes and Iroquois means serpents.
11. Mexico has the Nagal, a serpent god.
The word Naga is rooted in Sanskrit and means ’serpent’.
The Nagarjuna of India, is shown with an aura or halo of 7 serpents which is an indication of a very high degree of initiation they are usually cobra, and strangely this symbol is found on the ceremonial apron of the ‘Secret Society of Masons’.
Annu The Puppet King
The King ruling the Earth when the Annunaki left because of an impending flood (the flood of Noah), was Annu, the Sumerians documented this along with their version of the great deluge that covered the planet, and his decendents can be traced back through antiquity.
The Pharaohs of Egypt came from the bloodlines of the Babylonian Kings, and the rulers of the Roman Empire can be traced back to Egypt, also throughout Europe the Royal Families can be traced back to the Roman Emperors.
illuminatipyramid2.jpg34 American Presidents directly decended from European Royalty and the remaining 8 were closely related. In 1934 Franklyn Delano Roosevelt placed the great seal, which had been created in 1782 by Freemasons, on the dollar bill. This shows the pyramid of Egypt and the all seeing eye, the ones that see all.
History Destroyed
We have some good clues to follow even though the evidence has been hidden and altered. Pointedly the only places where we don’t find evidence of the serpent race is where its history has been methodically destroyed.
The Christian Church has been at the forefront of the onslaught. In Genesis where the serpent teaches the new infant humanity the difference between good and evil, it has been transformed into some sort of demon tempter, instead of an initiate teacher, and we all know that the fall of mankind is the fault of an overly inquisitive woman.
